Question What if the CMBR is not what we think it is ?

Aug 31, 2020
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In 1965 two independent teams were formed, one was in search of evidence of the Big Bang theory suggested by Hubble’s findings, the other had found it. What was the evidence that had been found? By 1965, with the use of the transistor becoming widespread, almost everyone had access to a radio, a puzzling aspect of listening to the radio was the wide-spread presence of a static signal between stations. The phenomenon was also seen on television where a static signal was seen if no broadcast was available. The presence of this strange static was an enigma for most people. Several explanations were put forward in order to explain this phenomenon; some thought it was static generated by the circuitry in the radio or television sets, others thought it was background interference from other radio or television signals. In the mean time, several astronomers were trying to find proof of the Big Bang theory that postulated that the Universe was finite and had emerged out of a singularity that had been named the Big Bang.

Bell laboratories had assigned the task of eliminating this background noise to two of their scientists, Penzias and Wilson. Using what was then state of the art equipment and working with microwave frequencies which were less prone to interference, Penzias and Wilson tried to eliminate the background noise by every means available to them with no success. Robert Dicke of Princeton University realised that what Penzias and Wilson had discovered was the proof of the Big Bang theory, it was the residual radiation that would remain if such an event as the Big Bang took place.

But is this explanation for the cosmic microwave background radiation correct ? The explanation that is given for the CMBR is that it cannot emit from any other source aside from the Big Bang because it is a continuum spectrum, meaning that it is not limited to a specific frequency but is smoothed out into something like the Black Body radiation of Max Planck. This explanation does not hold water because the radiation is being emitted by a large uniform very diaphanous, source, where discontinuities are rare. If the radiation from such a source were not continuum in nature it would be cause for concern.

In the past over fifty five years since the discovery of the CMBR, the theory that the CMBR was relic radiation from the Big Bang has never been questioned. But consider for a moment that a characteristic of electromagnetic radiation is that it is never stationary, electromagnetic radiation always moves at the speed of light. Therefore, in theory the CMBR should not exist. How is it possible for electromagnetic radiation to just stay in one place? What could be the explanation for this?

We are repeatedly told that atoms are 99.999999% empty space. The inevitable connotation of this is that our world is totally governed by electrostatic forces. Electrostatic forces are the only reason that we cannot walk through walls or fall through the floor! Looking at this information an image of the world emerges that is incredibly volatile. Pick up a pencil from the desk and trillions of electrons are disturbed. Walk across the floor to open a door and a veritable explosion of countless numbers of electrons is involved. This brings us to the interesting question as to how heat is transferred. It is apparent from a study of atomic clocks that when electrons in atoms are vibrating at microwave frequencies, it does not result in a reciprocal
generation of microwaves at that frequency. Instead the atoms in which the electrons are vibrating undergo a transition to a metastable state. The same kind of behaviour is seen in microwave ovens, where atoms subjected to microwaves either allow them through as in paper or react to produce heat. How do the walls of the microwave oven participate in this process? The answer must be that the walls of the microwave oven absorb the microwave radiation and then re-emit it. This is a process where the microwave radiation passes from one medium, the air, to another medium the metal. This is very similar to the Gestalt Aether Theory, which states that the microwave radiation disturbs electrons in the metal which emit ‘conduction’ photons that result in electromagnetic radiation of the same value as the original microwave radiation. The conclusion is that currents form easily and they are a major source of heat, as well as of electromagnetic radiation

The presence of such currents, giving rise to microwave radiation would explain the CMBR much more accurately that to suppose that it is relic radiation from the Big Bang. Gestalt Aether Theory states that relic radiation from the Big Bang does exist but that it exists in the form of Dark Matter or the universal ‘virtual photon field’ that permeates every part of the Universe. The CMBR is a reflection of the volatile nature of the Universe and is a present day phenomenon. To sum up this theory Clouds of gas in the Universe result in the spontaneous development of electric currents that radiate microwaves.
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Sep 23, 2020
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In 1965 two independent teams were formed, one was in search of evidence of the Big Bang theory suggested by Hubble’s findings, the other had found it. What was the evidence that had been found? By 1965, with the use of the transistor becoming widespread, almost everyone had access to a radio, a puzzling aspect of listening to the radio was the wide-spread presence of a static signal between stations. The phenomenon was also seen on television where a static signal was seen if no broadcast was available. The presence of this strange static was an enigma for most people. Several explanations were put forward in order to explain this phenomenon; some thought it was static generated by the circuitry in the radio or television sets, others thought it was background interference from other radio or television signals. In the mean time, several astronomers were trying to find proof of the Big Bang theory that postulated that the Universe was finite and had emerged out of a singularity that had been named the Big Bang.

Bell laboratories had assigned the task of eliminating this background noise to two of their scientists, Penzias and Wilson. Using what was then state of the art equipment and working with microwave frequencies which were less prone to interference, Penzias and Wilson tried to eliminate the background noise by every means available to them with no success. Robert Dicke of Princeton University realised that what Penzias and Wilson had discovered was the proof of the Big Bang theory, it was the residual radiation that would remain if such an event as the Big Bang took place.

But is this explanation for the cosmic microwave background radiation correct ? The explanation that is given for the CMBR is that it cannot emit from any other source aside from the Big Bang because it is a continuum spectrum, meaning that it is not limited to a specific frequency but is smoothed out into something like the Black Body radiation of Max Planck. This explanation does not hold water because the radiation is being emitted by a large uniform very diaphanous, source, where discontinuities are rare. If the radiation from such a source were not continuum in nature it would be cause for concern.

In the past over fifty five years since the discovery of the CMBR, the theory that the CMBR was relic radiation from the Big Bang has never been questioned. But consider for a moment that a characteristic of electromagnetic radiation is that it is never stationary, electromagnetic radiation always moves at the speed of light. Therefore, in theory the CMBR should not exist. How is it possible for electromagnetic radiation to just stay in one place? What could be the explanation for this?

We are repeatedly told that atoms are 99.999999% empty space. The inevitable connotation of this is that our world is totally governed by electrostatic forces. Electrostatic forces are the only reason that we cannot walk through walls or fall through the floor! Looking at this information an image of the world emerges that is incredibly volatile. Pick up a pencil from the desk and trillions of electrons are disturbed. Walk across the floor to open a door and a veritable explosion of countless numbers of electrons is involved. This brings us to the interesting question as to how heat is transferred. It is apparent from a study of atomic clocks that when electrons in atoms are vibrating at microwave frequencies, it does not result in a reciprocal
generation of microwaves at that frequency. Instead the atoms in which the electrons are vibrating undergo a transition to a metastable state. The same kind of behaviour is seen in microwave ovens, where atoms subjected to microwaves either allow them through as in paper or react to produce heat. How do the walls of the microwave oven participate in this process? The answer must be that the walls of the microwave oven absorb the microwave radiation and then re-emit it. This is a process where the microwave radiation passes from one medium, the air, to another medium the metal. This is very similar to the Gestalt Aether Theory, which states that the microwave radiation disturbs electrons in the metal which emit ‘conduction’ photons that result in electromagnetic radiation of the same value as the original microwave radiation. The conclusion is that currents form easily and they are a major source of heat, as well as of electromagnetic radiation

The presence of such currents, giving rise to microwave radiation would explain the CMBR much more accurately that to suppose that it is relic radiation from the Big Bang. Gestalt Aether Theory states that relic radiation from the Big Bang does exist but that it exists in the form of Dark Matter or the universal ‘virtual photon field’ that permeates every part of the Universe. The CMBR is a reflection of the volatile nature of the Universe and is a present day phenomenon. To sum up this theory Clouds of gas in the Universe result in the spontaneous development of electric currents that radiate microwaves.
Sep 23, 2020
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I look at the galaxy in a simple way the sun is the atom and the planets are the electrons whatever energy the sun produces effects ours and the other electrons
Aug 31, 2020
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I look at the galaxy in a simple way the sun is the atom and the planets are the electrons whatever energy the sun produces effects ours and the other electrons.

Your point of view is not simple at all! Even though, electrons ‘revolve’ around the nucleus and not the atom. So the sun in your allegory would take the place of the nucleus while the planets would represent the electrons. That an atom is literally a microcosm of the solar system is one of the most profound observations that can be made about our world, the solar system and the Universe itself. Today due to an unfounded and unsupported quantum mechanics view of atoms as being different from the rest of matter and of following a different set of physical laws; it has become both common- place and pseudo sophisticated to be blasé about this circumstance: and in fact a popular view is to never to refer to the likeness at all. It is taboo! Nevertheless, very real similarities do exist: the sun contains most of the mass in the solar system and the planets revolve around it in a manner very similar to that in which electrons revolve around the nucleus. Although, to the best of our knowledge every electron is identical to every other electron and the same cannot be said of the planets. Gestalt Aether Theory, by doing away with the idea of wave-particle duality, makes the idea of the electron as a ‘real’ particle possessing both the mass and dimensions of a solid particle revolving around the nucleus a very real possibility. If the speed of an electron around the nucleus is about 2.2 x 10^6 m/s and the diameter of an atom is 6.25 x 10^-10 m . Then in one second an electron would travel (orbit) 3.52 x 10^15 times a second. This obviously is one reason that electrostatic forces play such a large part in the working of the world and of the Universe. The fact that the sub-atomic world so closely mirrors the macro world we inhibit is one of the wonders of the Universe. This is something we should never lose sight of I think.

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