James Webb telescope confirms there is something seriously wrong with our understanding of the universe

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Mar 19, 2024
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The only explanation I've found so far in my research is there was thought used and words said. What we know is Atoms make up everything, so some how everything had to be in a pre-Atom state and spread out every where in the Cosmos, then brought together to make everything. Could it of been a Big Bang? Like a humongous sphere packed full of particles that exploded & spread the particles throughout space? Maybe? Or it could be something completely different? I haven't found the answer yet, but I'm still looking for it.
Mar 22, 2024
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Are Our 3D Perceptions Limiting Us
Yes, I like this train of thought. It would also fit into the idea that there could be multiple universes. Could it be that other universes are pulling or pushing our universe, like balloons would do if you would try to inflate a hundred balloons together inside a box?
Are Our 3D Perceptions Limiting Us? I am not a scientist, I AM fascinated by the thoughts & consider.
Mar 22, 2024
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Yes, I like this train of thought. It would also fit into the idea that there could be multiple universes. Could it be that other universes are pulling or pushing our universe, like balloons would do if you would try to inflate a hundred balloons together inside a box?
Are Our 3D Perceptions Limiting Us? I am not a scientist, I AM fascinated by the thoughts & considerations surrounding the universe, life existence beyond our planet system. Reading all of the posted inputs is incredible. Among many thoughts, one significant consideration dawned on me, especially in all the attempted efforts to picture, quantify, provide dimension, to perceive a “view” of the universe(s). I would like to propose that we think of & perceive “existence”, based on 3D perspectives; the universe is quite beyond our common senses, maybe there are additional dimensions involved, unknown & inconceivable to us at this time (like 7D, 9D or whatever reference imagery that could bring to mind), involving unique spacial interactions, expansions, time wrinkles, maybe even voids, all beyond our (current) common human comprehension. I suspect we as common humans don’t have an adequate sense of perception to visualize the universe, it’s not in our toolbox. It’s quite possible that “scientists” are working on the topic of identifying other dimensions (to allow us to realistically picture the universe & it’s presence) & progressing in this area, however, I’m not aware of any such research on “new” dimensions.
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Mar 23, 2024
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Just proves that the focus on attempting to understand and reverse engineering Creation was and is futile. However, it gave a group with no desire or intention of assimilation an irrational purpose. When they realize they are never going anywhere—I wonder if they will finally be apologetic for massacring everyone who would’ve known enough to save them the trouble, and decide to behave like the youngest group on Earth who clearly have a lot to learn about being human, or continue trying to act like everyone’s parents. Egomania is clearly an overwhelming thing to experience.
Mar 23, 2024
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Depending on where we look, the universe is expanding at different rates. Now, scientists using the James Webb and Hubble space telescopes have confirmed that the observation is not down to a measurement error.

James Webb telescope confirms there is something seriously wrong with our understanding of the universe : Read more
I'm not a scientist. This proves we are not in the center, now they can calculate the differences in the rate of increase. Since we're dealing with 4 axis, width, length, depth and time, so we may be seeing the opposite side of the big bang, so hence the rate differences, bigger and more space based telescopes will confirm what being observed.
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Mar 19, 2024
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Are Our 3D Perceptions Limiting Us? I am not a scientist, I AM fascinated by the thoughts & considerations surrounding the universe, life existence beyond our planet system. Reading all of the posted inputs is incredible. Among many thoughts, one significant consideration dawned on me, especially in all the attempted efforts to picture, quantify, provide dimension, to perceive a “view” of the universe(s). I would like to propose that we think of & perceive “existence”, based on 3D perspectives; the universe is quite beyond our common senses, maybe there are additional dimensions involved, unknown & inconceivable to us at this time (like 7D, 9D or whatever reference imagery that could bring to mind), involving unique spacial interactions, expansions, time wrinkles, maybe even voids, all beyond our (current) common human comprehension. I suspect we as common humans don’t have an adequate sense of perception to visualize the universe, it’s not in our toolbox. It’s quite possible that “scientists” are working on the topic of identifying other dimensions (to allow us to realistically picture the universe & it’s presence) & progressing in this area, however, I’m not aware of any such research on “new” dimensions.
With today's technical advances in camera & video technology people are capturing proof of ghosts, UAPs (ufos) and other strange phenomenon that we didn't know exist in our dimension.
Check out Skin Walker Ranch.
That place is special. It has a portal to some where? Native's had a long history with the spooky area.
Nov 15, 2023
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Not sure why humans think we are even capable of understanding the true nature of reality. But since starting in astronomy in highschool, I have been bothered by the thought that the theory of gravity is all wrong and no doubt that many other things are probably wrong.
Apr 25, 2024
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Ok, so maybe the universe expands at different rates. There's no reason to believe the universe is round or consistent, it could be amoeba-shaped. What if the amount of dark energy isn't consistent throughout the universe? That would mean expansion in inconsistent rates, potentially explaining the "dark spots" we see. Those could just be "fingers" of the amoeba extended out further from the main body.
I'd always imagined that to be true · I'd heard the "Big Crunch" theory was debunked about a decade ago due to the then·known constants in universe expansion · with the expansion rate now differing, it may very well be an ongoing thing · expanding, & perhaps contracting · just on & on ... I've always felt this made sense. Hope we live long enough to learn if we're onto something!!