Did art exist before modern humans? New discoveries raise big questions.

Feb 5, 2024
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Please accept this as another moment of discovery...mine occurred last year after mulling another reported discovery...
Grand Openings

At Sulawesi artistic curiosity bubbled--

Pre-historic critics wandering, all worn and stubbled.

Did they grunt and growl as they took the tours?

Anyone’s guess is as good as yours

There! On the wall! In the fire’s flicker,

Black and ocher--one soft, the other thicker.

Bet the common folk recoiled in fright

When raging Warty Pigs first caught their sight.

Murmuring “Ahhs,” and “Hmms” went all around,

Joyful judgments--the first critical sound?

Aurochs and Bison ran from man to man,

Life and death games of “catch me if you can.”

So many caves from the Paleolithic,

Where art found a place along with the critic.

There! On the ceiling! Cherubim float above--

Among cloud-wrapped gods glaring down their love.

Who says you can’t draw a straight line?