'Zombie' viruses have been revived from Siberian permafrost. Could they infect people?

Dec 12, 2022
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A possible example is the CoViD-19, transmitted by flying onsects and their predators, bats and migrating birds
Covid-19 has been found in almost everything except fish and other cold blooded animals pretty much. I did look on the CDC website a few days ago about this because I had 2 cats die and my neighbor had 2 cats and her dog die from "something" not only that but I got COVID and my neighbor did too. I can't prove it, no, but I find it highly suspicious when all had the same symptoms. I believe the data is wrong and more testing needs done on all species more often, and reported, so people know that it can crossover to most animals.
Dec 12, 2022
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What can amoeba do to humans?

The mild form of amebiasis includes nausea (a feeling of sickness in the stomach), diarrhea (loose stool/poop), weight loss, stomach tenderness, and occasional fever. Rarely, the parasite will invade the body beyond the intestines and cause a more serious infection, such as a liver abscess (a collection of pus).
Thank for letting join the discussion! I tam a retired scientist ('clinical' neuroscience -- which just I study conditions, consequences and diseases of the brain in living humans (no rats and thank god, no sacrificing of the subjects en masse). First things first whether we are writing science or discussing science. Has anyone located the appropriate 'block of weight/mass of viruses in the paper that started this discussion?
Which block of life would you put viruses in?

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