The Theory of Realism !

Mar 17, 2024
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Abstract - This scientific paper , put forward for the consideration of others , explains the Theory of Realism .

Part One -Space


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Part One Continued

''Olbers's paradox, also known as the dark night paradox, is an argument in astrophysics and physical cosmology that says that the darkness of the night sky conflicts with the assumption of an infinite and eternal static universe. ''

Prior mentioned was the properties of space and one of these properties , transparency , explains Olber's paradox as being no more than an optical illusion and mediocre minded thoughts .

Space is neither light or dark at anytime and remains transparent always . Darkness is when things are not illuminated by light or within visual perspective range . What we observe as darkness in space is because there is no thing within visual range to see that is light emitting such as a star or light reflecting such as a planet or moon to see. What we see as darkness on Earth is when things are not illuminated to highlight their presence .
In a darkened room , the walls are in darkness but the space between you and the wall remains transparent . In simple terms we aren't seeing the space in being dark , we are seeing through the transparent space that the walls are dark .
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Part One Continued -

Prior mentioned as a property of space was the conservation of energy space . Conservation in simple terms is to conserve or retain some thing . In regards to space , any given point (x0,y0,z0,) of space has the ability to conserve a single point of energy and any given point of space has a conservation maximum of a 1:1 ratio .
This inherent conservation force I propose is namely Gravity-B and this will become more apparent throughout the paper .
This proposed physics is presently conceptual although the primary evidence suggest this is a physical reality .
In the attached diagram we observe a simple transition Matrix (high energy state to lower energy state) , this diagram implying the existence of the conservation force because the photon is attracted to the empty point then returns to the photons starting point in a continued manner .


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Part One Continued -

The previous posts physics implies that point A and point B are equally attractive to the point of energy . Therefore in conclusion , the physics suggests the point of energy would be conserved by the point of space rather than travelling back and forth .
This proposed conservation of energy creating the Fabric of space-time which will become more apparent throughout the paper .
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Part One Continued

Additionally mentioned as a property of space was that space had physical space . What this means is that in Topology , any physical dimensions can fit or be applied within the physical space . Space itself being a dimensionless reference frame where all events proceed without boundaries .
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Part One Continued

Too conclude part one , let us summarise what has been proposed thus far .

Space cannot be created or destroyed - This apparently axiom information as there is no evidence that suggests space can be created or destroyed .

Space is transparent - This apparently also axiom information as there is no evidence to suggest space is ever opaque .

Physical space - This apparently also axiom information as there is no evidence to suggest space is ever a solid .

Spaces Conservation of light via Gravity-B with a 1:1 ratio per spatial point - This being apparently true via evidence focus .
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Part 2 - The Beginning

From our previous discussion of part one , we can by deductive reasoning conclude that space has no beginning or end in terms of existence .
However , our present observations show us that space is presently not empty of contents thus asking the fundamental question , how did the contents form in space ?
There has been suggestions that the contents of space has always existed . There has also been religious suggestions that a deity created the contents as thus far , nobody has offered any real scientific reasoning of how contents can be formed from empty space .
The present cosmological model , the Big Bang theory , implies that before the Big Bang there was no contents or space . Additionally the model implies that the Universe started from a high temperature , high density state which is contradictory to no contents or no space .
The Big Bang model implies the Universe began by miraculous creation with no attempt to explain how a high temperature and high density state could form , especially if there was no space to form within .
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Part 2 continued- The Beginning

The Universe is the whole of space and the entirety of the contents and to determine how the contents formed , we must reverse engineer the contents looking for answers .
In simplicity for now , let us ignore the components and make a deduction using dimensional analysis .
Let us consider the smallest conceivable particle but rather than working with Planck's lengths we shall view the smallest particle using point analysis .
The smallest conceivable three dimensional particle having eight points (x2,y2,z2) and this particle is without a core .
An interesting fact of this analysis and one to note is that is we removed seven points away from this three dimensional solid , we can conclude the possibility of a dimensionless particle (x0,y0,z0,) .
In essence a nothing particle !
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Mar 17, 2024
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Part 2 - The Beginning

Previously was mentioned the notion of a point particle or a nothing particle if you like . This deduction is a suggestion and is not stating the reason for the beginning of physical things .

This deduction using point analysis can also be applied to light energy or namely point energy .

So far we can conclude that space never had a beginning therefore scientifically when we discuss a beginning , we are actually discussing the beginning of physical things . I propose for the consideration of others , that in consideration of the beginning of physical things, we must consider point energy as the main possibility rather than any sort of large volume . This notion having more logical merit than any sort of miraculous large volume or Big Bang notion .
Mar 17, 2024
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Part 2 - The Beginning

Previously written in this scientific paper was explained the conservation of energy space and the mentioning of Gravity-B .
I propose for the consideration of others that light does have mass but rather than the sort of mass that attracts other mass , what we call Gravity , a mass that is attracted to the whole of space because of the conservation of energy spaces force .
In proposal for the consideration of others , I propose that Gravity-A and Gravity-B exists as a force , which I can provide physical evidence proofs for.

At this time , this scientific paper may seem to the peer , ''out of order'' . However , I feel it is important to firstly understand certain factors that build up a ''solid'' picture of the Universe for the reader .
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Part 2 - The Beginning

Let us now discuss the ultimate question and how the beginning of physical things could possibly occur from an otherwise empty space .

Previously mentioned is that space is ageless , what this implies is that space has no physicality that can age . This information being the difference between an absolute space and space-time .

I propose for the consideration of others , in the beginning there was always space and over trillions and trillions of years of what we call time , a single point of light manifested and was conserved by the point . This point energy being static light !

I secondly propose for the consideration of others , that over trillions and trillions of more years, this process continued , creating relic light points that were scattered throughout space , a low density , low temperature state .

Please find attached the first model of the beginning of physical things that shows a sparse state beginning . beg.jpg
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Part 2 - The Beginning

Note the previous visualisation of showing the relic energy points is not 100% accurate . This point energy is not within the visible spectrum , effectively it is invisible to visual observation and transparent , likewise to space .

This is the actual observation of what we'd see : Note this is a 4d visualisation
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Part 2 - The Beginning

Truths will become more apparent and proven throughout the paper but for now let us consider something logical .

It is illogical to suggest that physical things derived from nothing but is it logical to consider that an empty space over an unfathomable amount of what we call time , could form some sort of static in the form of light that is beyond the invisible spectrum ?

Note that these notions are before any sort of religious implications can even be considered , which will be discussed later in this paper .
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Part 2 - The Beginning

Moving forward in this paper , prior it was explained that physical things firstly started from point energy , in the form of static light .
This point energy being sparsely spread throughout space and each individual point of energy possibly being trillions of trillions of years old in our terms of time .
However , note that some points of relic light are older than other points , the relic light did not manifest all at the same time .

Let us now move forward in time and I propose for the consideration of others , that over trillions and trillions of more years , the sparse state of relic light points started to become more compact ,before eventually forming a ''solid'' dimensional state , what is now called space-time .

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Part 2 - The Beginning

Again note that the previous provided illustration is not 100% accurate because again all that we'd see is this 4 dimensional observation . see.jpg
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Part 3 - Space-time Extends .

It is presently explained in the cosmology model that the Universe is expanding , however the semantics of this statement are incorrect because a Universe is the whole of space and the physical contents of space . Space itself having the inability to expand .

I propose for the consideration of others , that the Universe is not expanding but rather instead , the physical truth is that space-time is extending .

This extension of space-time at the speed of light allowing physical bodies to recede further away from an observer that are in a central position of space-time , although this central position is relative .
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Part 3 - Space-time Extends .

Throughout time scientists have thought that there was a requirement for a medium , for the travel of light through space . In physical reality they were correct although they just missed out on putting things together .
Scientists first called this medium an aether , they then went on to suggesting a Higgs field , a dark matter or dark energy and a space-time etc.

Essentially they were all describing the same thing which cannot be observed by sight because of the transparent nature of , spaces conservation of light .
A light that is indistinguishable from space in appearance and difficult to detect .

Take note that an observer cannot see an extension of space-time because of the transparent nature of space and the conserved light .
When unbounded light from within an internal system reaches the edge of space-time , becoming conserved by the adjacent outer space , an internal observer or external observer cannot see this visually . The illustration remains the same .see.jpg
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Part 3 - Space-time Extends .

This provided illustration demonstrates spaces conservation of energy of a 1:1 ratio. Additionally it describes the motion process of light that is unbounded with space , within a space-time reference frame .
In the centre of this simple Matrix , is the value two . However the inherent force of the spatial point can only conserve a 1:1 ratio of light . Therefore by physical laws the +1 gain must travel by transition motion in ''search'' of a conservation point that is absent of light .
This action extending the space-time reference frame . matrix.jpg
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Part 3 - Space-time Extends .

In regards to a much bigger void of space , an external viewer observes multiple space-times that are relatively small compared to the bigger void . A whole visual universe contained in a single ''dot'' . (Note this is because of distance and does not necessary mean space-time is small . dot.jpg
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Part 4 - The Quantum Mainframe

So far I have been discussing spaces conservation of energy as space-time . However , in a more modernised view , I propose for the consideration of others my own version of a space-time , a Higgs field or an Aether etc . This proposal namely a Quantum Mainframe .

Quantum Mainframe - A spaces volume of conserved static light , that can be viewed as relic light . A necessity server for all motion to occur via transition motion .

Secondly, for the consideration of others, I additionally propose the term a Quantum Bridge .

Quantum Bridge - Any vector path within a Quantum Mainframe
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Part 4 - The Quantum Mainframe

A Quantum mainframe has several properties

A volume constant of static light energy : E ∝ V (any given point (x0,y0,z0,) having a 1:1 ratio of conserved light)

The ability to extend in volume keeping the energy constant E ∝ V

Quantum Bridges : Any vector path within a Quantum Mainframe

Wavefunction : Any possible wave-length of information can occur via Quantum Bridge displacement .
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Part 5 - Religious Implications

Before continuing in the creation of physical things , at this stage of this scientific paper , it is of utmost importance to consider religious implications . In science , scientists may look in my direction with discerning looks of concern but note I am discussing religious implications scientifically .

In present times with the skills of science we know that the entirety of humanity , every word that ever existed and every picture can be transformed into carrier signals and sent throughout space .
However, these wave-lengths of information are limited to our own history and design .

Prior mentioned was the properties of a Quantum Mainframe and one of these properties being wave-function . It was explained that a Quantum Mainframe could produce any wave-length, which suggests the Quantum Mainframe could have unlimited information . In essence ''knowing'' more than we do !

Alas , to be discussed at a later time .
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Part 6 - Quantum Bridges /Curvature

As explained previously a Quantum bridge is any vector path within a Quantum Mainframe , a Quantum Bridge has magnitude and direction .
Quantum bridges have a conserved energy constant , any given point (x0, y0,z0,) of the vector path having a conserved point of relic light with a 1:1 ratio conservation max limit .
Quantum bridges are a necessity for transitional motion , when there is no bridge in place , transitional motion ''collapses'' . In simple terms this can be viewed as wave-function collapse .
The reason for the ''collapse'' is that once unbounded light within a Quantum Mainframe arrives at the edge of the mainframe , where conserved light meets empty space , the unbounded light becomes conserved by the empty space , becoming bounded to the space . In essence the transitional motion is stopped by an invisible wall .

Albert Einstein created the ideology on space-time curvature although this information was misunderstood and incomplete . Any given Quantum Bridge can curve relative to force and/or thermal current .
In simple terms a candle flame will create a thermal current , this current will curve a relative horizontal Quantum Bridge slightly in the direction of the current flow . st.jpg

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