The last woolly mammoths on Earth had disastrous DNA

Feb 12, 2020
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The DNA in the woolly mammoths on Wrangel Island had a number of unfavorable variants.

The last woolly mammoths on Earth had disastrous DNA : Read more
An increasingly mutated genetic code leads to disaster. If an analogous computer program had more than 2-3 defects, it would not function. So, explain the evolution of the genetic code which many scientists are now beginning to see, appears to have been written before the animal came to be. A building is not constructed without a proper set of pre-existing plans. Add to that, the fact that 95% of animals studied to date in one study have been shown to possess 100-200 unique genes, including humans. How can you explain the evolution of these unique genes? There's some very interesting findings from a number of genetic studies over the past 10 years.

Feb 12, 2020
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There are innumerable woolly mammoths perfectly preserved frozen standing up, caught while eating and food still in their mouths. Alaska, Russia... Explain again about their DNA causing that? Scientifically, that had to be caused by a worldwide catastrophe. Better re-analyze using ALL the known facts.

I'm not able to find my copy of a Life magazine article on that fast-freeze woolly mammoth subject. For some odd reason google won't list it in search results so I can find it. I remember delivering a speech on it in college in about 1990 and had photocopied the article from a Life magazine dated in the early '60s (maybe late 1950s if I my life depended on having that date correct).
Feb 12, 2020
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There are innumerable woolly mammoths perfectly preserved frozen standing up, caught while eating and food still in their mouths. Alaska, Russia... Explain again about their DNA causing that? Scientifically, that had to be caused by a worldwide catastrophe. Better re-analyze using ALL the known facts.

I'm not able to find my copy of a Life magazine article on that fast-freeze woolly mammoth subject. For some odd reason google won't list it in search results so I can find it. I remember delivering a speech on it in college in about 1990 and had photocopied the article from a Life magazine dated in the early '60s (maybe late 1950s if I my life depended on having that date correct).
Very interesting....we must keep an open mind it's the only way to find the real truth. Scientists today are beginning to break away from the orthodoxy of materialism and re-examine the data as more detailed information becomes available. Our genes are incredibly complex. The so-called "junk genes" are now believed to be the control system for the expression of the genes. How does Darwinism explain the development of this complex system? Let the data drive the conclusions not politics or personal beliefs. If we are not free to ask questions then, only one conclusion will be acceptable.

I would love to see the article you mentioned from Life magazine.
Jan 15, 2020
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There are innumerable woolly mammoths perfectly preserved frozen standing up, caught while eating and food still in their mouths. Alaska, Russia... Explain again about their DNA causing that? Scientifically, that had to be caused by a worldwide catastrophe. Better re-analyze using ALL the known facts.

I was fascinated to learn that some mammoths died standing up - I'd never heard of it before. Could you provide some links to the stories? And were their bodies found complete, given that skeletons typically disarticulate after death? Were the mammoths in that case killed standing up and mummified in that position? I'd really like to find out more about this subject.
Feb 12, 2020
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I'm at the end of my day now, so I'll leave the link-finding to you, but when I did my speech about it I do remember that their legs got crushed from the snow load while they stood on them (long after death, I'm sure). In many places a variety animals were all thrown in together in a jumbled mess. Good night.
Feb 13, 2020
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There are innumerable woolly mammoths perfectly preserved frozen standing up, caught while eating and food still in their mouths. Alaska, Russia... Explain again about their DNA causing that? Scientifically, that had to be caused by a worldwide catastrophe. Better re-analyze using ALL the known facts.

I'm not able to find my copy of a Life magazine article on that fast-freeze woolly mammoth subject. For some odd reason google won't list it in search results so I can find it. I remember delivering a speech on it in college in about 1990 and had photocopied the article from a Life magazine dated in the early '60s (maybe late 1950s if I my life depended on having that date correct).

This particular article refers to an isolated population that survived very late - I'm assuming though I admit I didn't bother to check - rather later than the big freeze events that caught full-sized mammoths standing with fresh greens in their bellies. So it's not an either-or matter. Different populations of mammoths died out at different times for different reasons. They're still all gone now.
Feb 14, 2020
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"Scientifically, that had to be caused by a worldwide catastrophe. Better re-analyze using ALL the known facts." What, Noah's Flood? What are these "known facts?" Here's a fact: A small, isolated population becomes inbred with inheritable detrimental conditions appearing over time due limited gene pool. Happens in human populations too. (Come to think of it, that would almost certainly have happened to Noah's family too, had they ever existed.) Your comparison to NON-isolated populations is invalid.
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Feb 22, 2020
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The claims of flash frozen mammoths are misconceptions from early publications. Many of these bunk theories are tied to legends of from the 1800s when tales of Atlantis and pseudoscience of all kinds was in fashion.

old publications of pseudo science are not worthy of discussion in a presentation of factual info
I have read that the first humans reached Wrangel Island 400 years after the Mammoths disappeared. Could it be possible that Human hunters reached Wrangel Island much earlier than previously thought and hunted the last extant Mammoths to extinction? By Gregg L. Friedman MD
Feb 12, 2023
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The DNA in the woolly mammoths on Wrangel Island had a number of unfavorable variants.

The last woolly mammoths on Earth had disastrous DNA : Read more
Good example of genetic entropy, but hope to have data from more than the one specimen.
Still we know from Fl. Panthers (and some inbred royal families) even well under 350 years and 10 generations can account for this or worse. So may align best within Pearlman YeC 'RCCF' Framework where the genetic bottleneck founding pair saved on the ark of Noach and began breeding by 1657/8 anno-mundi onset of The ice ages.
This secondary isolation in an ill suited habitat began about 350 years later by the approximate end of the 1996 ice ages and 2006 founding of Egypt by Mizrayim and sons.
Then died out within 1,000 years.
Keep in mind current consensus is inflated by:
6k years end of The ice ages a
1.5k at founding of Ur and Uruk (4k not 5.5k BP)
1.3k founding of Egypt
It reminds me of 'blind cave fish' that can have a loss of sight w/in a few generations and from regain after reintroduced to light w/in a few generations. see Pearlman YeC on epi-genetics, founder effect and genetic entropy.
Reference and start study at Pearlman YeC alignment of Torah testimony, science and ancient civ.
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