The denial of Einstein's relativity theory

Am I an "Einsteinian"?

Is Mr Velev a String Theory proponent and simply says GR is just plain wrong since String Theory is based on the idea that QM is correct and it's GR that needs tweaking? Find a real String Theorist and see if they'll say GR is just wrong.

It appears that there are at least two things that attract people to a denial to relativity theory.

First, it’s about space and time which people think they perceive directly. And even though everything they deal with moves only a minuscule speed compared to light, they suppose that their experience must also apply to things moving a million or a hundred million times faster.

Second, relativity theory is essentially the work of a single man, Albert Einstein. So people suppose all they have to do is find where Einstein was wrong.

Any talented student of theoretical physics can, and indeed must, master the skill of being able to describe a generally covariant field theory in curved spacetime, of which Einstein’s theory is the simplest example.

The concepts and the mathematical apparatus of general relativity are fundamental to quantum field theory. And quantum field theory is a much harder subject to study than the simple classical field theory of gravitation.

But there are many, tens, perhaps even hundreds of thousands of physicists and physics students out there in the world (it’s a big world) who know how to derive Einstein’s field equations from the Einstein—Hilbert Lagrangian, how to solve those field equations in the simpler cases (e.g., spherical symmetry, axisymmetry, homogeneous and isotropic spacetime), or how to deduce the weak field, slow motion approximation and relate it to the Poisson equation for gravitation and thus, Newtonian gravity.

Quantum mechanics, which is much more counter-intuitive, was developed by a whole community of physicists Heisenberg, Born, Jordan, Schroedinger, Dirac, Pauli, Feynman… Einstein did not develop his theory in the total isolation of a cramped garret room. He was in communication, in person and by means of letters, with the physics community in Europe. Other smart people contributed to his theory: Poincare’, Lorentz, Fitzgerald, Hilbert, Minkowski, Dirac, Mach…

Today the theory is presented in a simpler and clearer fashion than Einstein’s own formulation. So people look back at Einstein’s papers and pick on some unfortunate or haphazard phrasing or assumption and beat it to death. Einstein did make some mistakes. He originally thought there would be gravitational waves and then he wrote a paper with Rosen concluding there couldn’t be gravitational waves, however they have been found today…but it was in error and he wrote a third paper about gravitational waves. He, like most people up to Roger Penrose in the ‘60s, thought black holes could not form and wrote a paper about it.

Third, people don’t know the details of the experimental proofs of relativity theory because they don’t know the Newtonian physics very well. They want to rely on thought experiments where, in their own thoughts, contradictions of relativity arise. Because it is counter-intuitive, it is hard to conceive a contrary relativistic thought experiment without deceiving yourself.

If you have a problem then destroy Einstein's arguments with logic and mathematics. But mainstream Physics does not do that. Instead it attributes ridiculous properties to some obscure virtual particle, justifies it by inventing another hypotheical field, then claims victory. It then labels dissenters as Fruit Cakes and the moves ever onward to the Great Unification which is totally inplausible.

Imagine that you are moving at 70mph on the motorway, and a police car overtakes you.

From where you are sitting — the police car seems to be moving at 10mph.

How fast is the police car going relative to the road?

Hopefully, you should instinctively say that the police car is going at 70+10=8070+10=80mph.

This is — to humans — instinctively obvious, and the way the world works.

Mathematically, speaking, what you have done in this case is called a Galilean Transform. You have “transformed” between two frames, the frame which is moving at 70mph along the road (you in the car), and the frame which is stationary on the road.

Thus, since you have worked out the relative speed, using a Galilean transform, we call this kind of physics Galilean Relativity.

Galilean Relativity is simply defined by just adding (or taking away) the frame velocity. All observers measure the same amount of time passing.

Therefore, if person A measures an object at position 𝑥𝐴 at time 𝑡𝐴t, then person B (who is in a car moving at velocity 𝑣) measures the same object to be at:

Position: 𝑥𝐵=𝑥𝐴−𝑣𝑡xB=xA−vt

Time: 𝑡𝐵=𝑡𝐴tB=tA

This is all exactly what you would think intuitively — and how physics modelled the world before the 20th century.

However, in 1905, a really clever bloke by the name of Albert Einstein realised that something was fishy.

Our best theory of electromagnetism predicted some weird stuff. See — when you try and use electromagnetism to predict the speed of light, it quite simply tells you that:


Which is nice….except that it doesn’t tell you who is measuring it.

That’s like saying “how fast is the car going?” and the answer being “10mph”, but not telling you if that’s with respect to the road, another car or even the centre of our galaxy.

A lot of people assumed that this implied that there was some sort of fixed reference frame, which the laws of physics referred to by default — much like if I said I was travelling at 50mph you would assume I was talking about relative to the road.

If I measure light as travelling at 𝑐c, and my buddy is on a car on the motorway, then he obviously measures the same beam of light to be travelling at 𝑐′=𝑐−70c′=c−70mph

Right? Nope.

If you assume this “light-speed postulate” to be true, then you find out that Galilean relativity is wrong.

For starters — time enters into the equation. Not everyone measures time to be the same! Me and my buddy on the motorway are actually measuring time to be ever so slightly different! Space, too, is affected — my buddy on the motorway and I cannot agree on how long a road is, for example.

Now — the speed of light is fantastically large, so these discrepancies in time and space for travelling observers is tiny almost all of the time — WolframAlpha* just gives up trying to calculate the difference for 70mph because it’s so small!

If you do the maths, then you find out that with the addition of this extra postulate, our new “relativity” is given by the following transforms — which we call Special Relativity.

Where 𝛾=11−𝑣2𝑐2√γ=11−v2c2

Now — that second equation is really similar to the Galilean version, isn’t it? There’s just the added constant 𝛾γ multiplying everything. At ‘normal’ speeds, 𝛾≈1γ≈1, which is why Galilean Relativity looks right!

The only really weird bit is that time transforms here. If my friend is moving at 60% the speed of light, for a year (his time), then whilst he measures a year, I measure 𝑡𝑚𝑒=11−0.62√∗1yr=1.25yrtme=11−0.62∗1yr=1.25yr

Weird, right?
Well — not so much.

The only reason we think it is weird is because in 99.99% of our lives, this effect is totally ignorable — it doesn’t affect us in the slightest. It is only for stuff going really fast that it matters!

There’s a load more mathematical formalism in Special Relativity — this is obviously only an incredibly brief overview.

Stuff gets even more complicated when you try and factor in Gravity.

In fact, it gets so complicated that you realise special relativity doesn’t work at all! You need another kind of relativity — which we call General Relativity.

General Relativity is really involved, so I won’t go into it here, but this is where all the “curved space” stuff you hear about comes from.

So ultimately, what is relativity?

All theories of relativity (Galilean, Special & General) give you rules about how to tell what the universe looks like to different people.

Different people measure the universe to be different, depending on their position, velocity and acceleration. A theory of relativity allows you to “transform” between these different people, and see what they each measure.
Fundamentally, that is all they tell you — but as you can see from the fact that my answer isn’t one paragraph long, it’s somewhat more complicated than that!

This stationary reference frame was called the “aether”. But nobody could find it.

So Einstein came at the problem from a different direction. He supposed that rather than the equations telling you that light travelled at 𝑐 in some “default” frame — he supposed that the equations told us that light is measured to have the same speed by everyone, no matter how fast they are travelling.

* Wolfram/Alpha brings expert-level knowledge and capabilities to the broadest possible range of people—spanning all professions and education levels. Enter what you want to calculate or know about. Natural Language; Math Input; Extended Keyboard Examples Upload Random. Compute expert-levels in your choice ...


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Feb 9, 2023
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If you assume this “light-speed postulate” to be true, then you find out that Galilean relativity is wrong.

There is no reason to assume the light postulate (speed of light independent of the speed of the emitter) to be true. It was disproved in 1887 (but etherists immediately started to fabricate fudge factors - length contraction etc - to camouflage the fact):

"Emission theory, also called emitter theory or ballistic theory of light, was a competing theory for the special theory of relativity, explaining the results of the Michelson–Morley experiment of 1887...The name most often associated with emission theory is Isaac Newton. In his corpuscular theory Newton visualized light "corpuscles" being thrown off from hot bodies at a nominal speed of c with respect to the emitting object, and obeying the usual laws of Newtonian mechanics, and we then expect light to be moving towards us with a speed that is offset by the speed of the distant emitter (c ± v)."

Banesh Hoffmann, Einstein's co-author, admits that, originally ("without recourse to contracting lengths, local time, or Lorentz transformations"), the Michelson-Morley experiment was compatible with Newton's variable speed of light, c'=c±v, and incompatible with the constant speed of light, c'=c:

"Moreover, if light consists of particles, as Einstein had suggested in his paper submitted just thirteen weeks before this one, the second principle seems absurd: A stone thrown from a speeding train can do far more damage than one thrown from a train at rest; the speed of the particle is not independent of the motion of the object emitting it. And if we take light to consist of particles and assume that these particles obey Newton's laws, they will conform to Newtonian relativity and thus automatically account for the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment without recourse to contracting lengths, local time, or Lorentz transformations. Yet, as we have seen, Einstein resisted the temptation to account for the null result in terms of particles of light and simple, familiar Newtonian ideas, and introduced as his second postulate something that was more or less obvious when thought of in terms of waves in an ether." Banesh Hoffmann, Relativity and Its Roots, p.92
Jun 12, 2023
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Wow! I’m not heavy into physics and the details of any of these theories, but instead just a beginner novice. But I could follow the examples given. They wonderfully simplify and illustrate the ideas involved. The 70 mph car, police car, and stationary road. And later Pentcho’s throwing a stone from a moving train.

If I was much younger, I’d be enrolling in some physics classes today. Preferably graduate courses if I could get in one. You guys really know how to pique my interest! Thank you, guys!
Mar 17, 2024
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Am I an "Einsteinian"?

Is Mr Velev a String Theory proponent and simply says GR is just plain wrong since String Theory is based on the idea that QM is correct and it's GR that needs tweaking? Find a real String Theorist and see if they'll say GR is just wrong.

It appears that there are at least two things that attract people to a denial to relativity theory.

First, it’s about space and time which people think they perceive directly. And even though everything they deal with moves only a minuscule speed compared to light, they suppose that their experience must also apply to things moving a million or a hundred million times faster.

Second, relativity theory is essentially the work of a single man, Albert Einstein. So people suppose all they have to do is find where Einstein was wrong.

Any talented student of theoretical physics can, and indeed must, master the skill of being able to describe a generally covariant field theory in curved spacetime, of which Einstein’s theory is the simplest example.

The concepts and the mathematical apparatus of general relativity are fundamental to quantum field theory. And quantum field theory is a much harder subject to study than the simple classical field theory of gravitation.

But there are many, tens, perhaps even hundreds of thousands of physicists and physics students out there in the world (it’s a big world) who know how to derive Einstein’s field equations from the Einstein—Hilbert Lagrangian, how to solve those field equations in the simpler cases (e.g., spherical symmetry, axisymmetry, homogeneous and isotropic spacetime), or how to deduce the weak field, slow motion approximation and relate it to the Poisson equation for gravitation and thus, Newtonian gravity.

Quantum mechanics, which is much more counter-intuitive, was developed by a whole community of physicists Heisenberg, Born, Jordan, Schroedinger, Dirac, Pauli, Feynman… Einstein did not develop his theory in the total isolation of a cramped garret room. He was in communication, in person and by means of letters, with the physics community in Europe. Other smart people contributed to his theory: Poincare’, Lorentz, Fitzgerald, Hilbert, Minkowski, Dirac, Mach…

Today the theory is presented in a simpler and clearer fashion than Einstein’s own formulation. So people look back at Einstein’s papers and pick on some unfortunate or haphazard phrasing or assumption and beat it to death. Einstein did make some mistakes. He originally thought there would be gravitational waves and then he wrote a paper with Rosen concluding there couldn’t be gravitational waves, however they have been found today…but it was in error and he wrote a third paper about gravitational waves. He, like most people up to Roger Penrose in the ‘60s, thought black holes could not form and wrote a paper about it.

Third, people don’t know the details of the experimental proofs of relativity theory because they don’t know the Newtonian physics very well. They want to rely on thought experiments where, in their own thoughts, contradictions of relativity arise. Because it is counter-intuitive, it is hard to conceive a contrary relativistic thought experiment without deceiving yourself.

If you have a problem then destroy Einstein's arguments with logic and mathematics. But mainstream Physics does not do that. Instead it attributes ridiculous properties to some obscure virtual particle, justifies it by inventing another hypotheical field, then claims victory. It then labels dissenters as Fruit Cakes and the moves ever onward to the Great Unification which is totally inplausible.

Imagine that you are moving at 70mph on the motorway, and a police car overtakes you.

From where you are sitting — the police car seems to be moving at 10mph.

How fast is the police car going relative to the road?

Hopefully, you should instinctively say that the police car is going at 70+10=8070+10=80mph.

This is — to humans — instinctively obvious, and the way the world works.

Mathematically, speaking, what you have done in this case is called a Galilean Transform. You have “transformed” between two frames, the frame which is moving at 70mph along the road (you in the car), and the frame which is stationary on the road.

Thus, since you have worked out the relative speed, using a Galilean transform, we call this kind of physics Galilean Relativity.

Galilean Relativity is simply defined by just adding (or taking away) the frame velocity. All observers measure the same amount of time passing.

Therefore, if person A measures an object at position 𝑥𝐴 at time 𝑡𝐴t, then person B (who is in a car moving at velocity 𝑣) measures the same object to be at:

Position: 𝑥𝐵=𝑥𝐴−𝑣𝑡xB=xA−vt

Time: 𝑡𝐵=𝑡𝐴tB=tA

This is all exactly what you would think intuitively — and how physics modelled the world before the 20th century.

However, in 1905, a really clever bloke by the name of Albert Einstein realised that something was fishy.

Our best theory of electromagnetism predicted some weird stuff. See — when you try and use electromagnetism to predict the speed of light, it quite simply tells you that:


Which is nice….except that it doesn’t tell you who is measuring it.

That’s like saying “how fast is the car going?” and the answer being “10mph”, but not telling you if that’s with respect to the road, another car or even the centre of our galaxy.

A lot of people assumed that this implied that there was some sort of fixed reference frame, which the laws of physics referred to by default — much like if I said I was travelling at 50mph you would assume I was talking about relative to the road.

If I measure light as travelling at 𝑐c, and my buddy is on a car on the motorway, then he obviously measures the same beam of light to be travelling at 𝑐′=𝑐−70c′=c−70mph

Right? Nope.

If you assume this “light-speed postulate” to be true, then you find out that Galilean relativity is wrong.

For starters — time enters into the equation. Not everyone measures time to be the same! Me and my buddy on the motorway are actually measuring time to be ever so slightly different! Space, too, is affected — my buddy on the motorway and I cannot agree on how long a road is, for example.

Now — the speed of light is fantastically large, so these discrepancies in time and space for travelling observers is tiny almost all of the time — WolframAlpha* just gives up trying to calculate the difference for 70mph because it’s so small!

If you do the maths, then you find out that with the addition of this extra postulate, our new “relativity” is given by the following transforms — which we call Special Relativity.

Where 𝛾=11−𝑣2𝑐2√γ=11−v2c2

Now — that second equation is really similar to the Galilean version, isn’t it? There’s just the added constant 𝛾γ multiplying everything. At ‘normal’ speeds, 𝛾≈1γ≈1, which is why Galilean Relativity looks right!

The only really weird bit is that time transforms here. If my friend is moving at 60% the speed of light, for a year (his time), then whilst he measures a year, I measure 𝑡𝑚𝑒=11−0.62√∗1yr=1.25yrtme=11−0.62∗1yr=1.25yr

Weird, right?
Well — not so much.

The only reason we think it is weird is because in 99.99% of our lives, this effect is totally ignorable — it doesn’t affect us in the slightest. It is only for stuff going really fast that it matters!

There’s a load more mathematical formalism in Special Relativity — this is obviously only an incredibly brief overview.

Stuff gets even more complicated when you try and factor in Gravity.

In fact, it gets so complicated that you realise special relativity doesn’t work at all! You need another kind of relativity — which we call General Relativity.

General Relativity is really involved, so I won’t go into it here, but this is where all the “curved space” stuff you hear about comes from.

So ultimately, what is relativity?

All theories of relativity (Galilean, Special & General) give you rules about how to tell what the universe looks like to different people.

Different people measure the universe to be different, depending on their position, velocity and acceleration. A theory of relativity allows you to “transform” between these different people, and see what they each measure.
Fundamentally, that is all they tell you — but as you can see from the fact that my answer isn’t one paragraph long, it’s somewhat more complicated than that!

This stationary reference frame was called the “aether”. But nobody could find it.

So Einstein came at the problem from a different direction. He supposed that rather than the equations telling you that light travelled at 𝑐 in some “default” frame — he supposed that the equations told us that light is measured to have the same speed by everyone, no matter how fast they are travelling.

* Wolfram/Alpha brings expert-level knowledge and capabilities to the broadest possible range of people—spanning all professions and education levels. Enter what you want to calculate or know about. Natural Language; Math Input; Extended Keyboard Examples Upload Random. Compute expert-levels in your choice ...


Good evening sir , Einstein and science have unfortunately been incorrect for decades . I won't get into too much detail in one post but I will explain that light has no speed of its own drive . The speed light travels in a vacuum is the speed it disperses throughout the vacuum as a consequence of Gravity-B , the vacuums inherent force .
Mar 17, 2024
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I am sorry, but if you do not get into detail, how can the others of this thread examine what you say. And if nobody can examine your statements, then there is no proof. And without proof, you come off like a scammer trying to sell snake oil.

I might not understand your explanations, but I am sure that the others on this thread would. Thank you, Box.
I keep getting posting issues when I try to explain in full so far!
Mar 17, 2024
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This sounds like one more of your lame excuses.
It is what happened , not an excuse !

Photons have no mechanism of self drive (propulsion) and there is no evidence to suggest they have .
There is evidence of transition , where high energy states transfer energy to lower energy states (hot to cold) .
In a vacuum any given point (x0,y0,z0) of the volume is in a lesser energy state than the photon .
Hence the photon disperses throughout the volume by the transition event under the force of gravity-B.
Mar 17, 2024
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Thank you. At least you finally said something that real scientists can examine. You don’t seem like a real scientist to me in your other threads.
I don't talk like a Parrot , repeating present information over and over , especially information that is outdated .
Present scientists will examine my information and rule out that information because their ''book'' says otherwise . They will ''preach'' this information even when you demonstrate it is wrong .
I also have other proofs of Gravity-B .
Mar 17, 2024
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Good! That is how actual debates determine the “best” truth. You bring forth a novel, new idea or theory and others argue using the old established theory. Then you either prove them wrong or you don’t. And from the debate, the old theory gets stronger or it is replaced with a new theory. And change in theory is an advancement in science. Science learns.

Just don’t think you can come here, say anything you want, and expect everyone to follow what you say as Gospel Truth. Science does not work that way and it never should. Church and religion works that way, and it should … until it preaches anything totally disproven, like the Earth being the center of all things and the original creation of all things. Heck, for the longest time, the Church preached the world was flat, contrary to the Ancient Greek scholars before them.

Again, if you wish to become a truly great scientist, do not wear the label like a badge of honor. Behave like all the great scientists in the past have done. Care more about truth, to the best that science can determine, which is NOT all-knowing or perfect in any way. Care more about that than your ego or self-esteem. Care more about the journey than the accolades and self applause.

Open debates are the first step. Putting forth proof of your arguments are the second step.
I don't expect everyone to agree with what I propose but I'd expect them to think past present theory and consider the facts of what I say which some are axioms .

There is no where in science or theory that explains why light travels at c , I think everyone just assumed propulsion .
However , the main piece of evidence that proves light is pulled by gravity-B , is the fact that light accelerates back to c when exiting a medium . This ruling out an emittance speed from the light source and Newtons law of motion for an answer .
Feb 16, 2023
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Good evening sir , Einstein and science have unfortunately been incorrect for decades . I won't get into too much detail in one post but I will explain that light has no speed of its own drive . The speed light travels in a vacuum is the speed it disperses throughout the vacuum as a consequence of Gravity-B , the vacuums inherent force .
Speed of light is not the speed of light.
Speed of light is the maximum speed that the fabric of time and space will allow anything to move.
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Mar 17, 2024
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Speed of light is not the speed of light.
Speed of light is the maximum speed that the fabric of time and space will allow anything to move.
At this present time the speed of light is the maximum speed that anything can move within a space-time manifold as a consequence of Gravity-B .

At this time the minimum speed of light as a consequence of Gravity-B is d/t=0 . This being a conservation of energy law that constructs a space-time manifold . This conservation is firstly required for the maximum speed of light to be possible . The underlying conserved light acting as a quantum bridge between spaces . Please find attached a diagram of point energy that demonstrates a quantum bridge between spaces . The velocity of this energy being zero , conserved by the point of space by gravity -B .


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Feb 16, 2023
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I have no idea what this gravity -B is supposed to be.

Newton's First Law of Motion, also known as the Law of Inertia, states that an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

So gravity, which is basically just the curvation of time and space, does not cause a photon to gain or lose speed. If it did, we would not see red/blue shifts.
Mar 17, 2024
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I have no idea what this gravity -B is supposed to be.

Newton's First Law of Motion, also known as the Law of Inertia, states that an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

So gravity, which is basically just the curvation of time and space, does not cause a photon to gain or lose speed. If it did, we would not see red/blue shifts.
What I am replying to you is advanced physics that presently is not mainstream .

In brief all mass is attracted to mass by the mechanism of gravity-A , what you know as gravity .

But , the opposite is true for light , light is attracted to ''outer space'' and/or any state that has less energy than the photon . This event I have simply named Gravity-B .

Please find attached a simple diagram that explains gravity-A and gravity-B .

I always try to answer one query at a time , if you have other queries from your last post after this reply , please ask the question again .


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Mar 17, 2024
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So gravity, which is basically just the curvation of time and space, does not cause a photon to gain or lose speed. If it did, we would not see red/blue shifts.
I just thought I would answer this for you as this information is also inaccurately explained . The curvature of space time is an effect , it does not best explain gravity .

Imagine a transparent sheet that was situated above your head , this sheet represents an area of conserved point energy by spatial points via gravity-B .

Naturally this sheet is curved relative to thermal current velocity , (thermal current is actually propagating light) .

The sheet has no velocity but is not immovable in the sense that it has the mechanism to curve relative to the underlying space . (The space always remains x,y,z , space itself does not curve)


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Feb 16, 2023
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Gravity is not energy, it is simply the affects of mass on time and space.
There is no gravity a or b. Gravity does not exist as a force.

And space and time does curve. We know it curves, we use the curves as gravity lenses to take «pictures» in outer space.

Now, if gravity b was the reason for attracting light, then light would shy away from massive objects.
In other words, using massive objects as gravity lenses would not be possible.
Mar 17, 2024
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Gravity is not energy, it is simply the affects of mass on time and space.
There is no gravity a or b. Gravity does not exist as a force.

And space and time does curve. We know it curves, we use the curves as gravity lenses to take «pictures» in outer space.

Now, if gravity b was the reason for attracting light, then light would shy away from massive objects.
In other words, using massive objects as gravity lenses would not be possible.
Objects are obstructions for light , light is deflected by objects . Some light is absorbed by the object .
Mass does not affect space , mass is the product of charge , space-time has no charge or mass to be affected by mass .
Mar 17, 2024
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Then how does gravity lensing work?
I am reluctant to accept that the ''lensing'' effect is in anyway gravity related . I am also reluctant to accept sciences pictures of ''lensing'' because no doubt some of them are drawings rather than actual photos of the effect .
What science calls gravitational lensing , I'd just explain that as obstruction of light and a shape being outlined by light density function .
In example our atmosphere may be appeared to be '''lensed'' from a distance , the atmosphere appearing like a haze .

In example pour some water on the relative top of a sphere and the water will shape around the ball .
Mar 17, 2024
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This cannot be a real Earth bound experiment. If you pour water on a sphere on Earth, the water will go to the Earth, not some little ball. I do not know about a small little ball in outer space, but I would presume the mass of that ball would be too tiny for gravity to have enough of an effect. I would imagine most or all of the water to simply float aimlessly away, not down to the ball, like on Earth. Do you even know how pouring water works? You need gravity to pour water downward.

Box, you make up very stupid scenarios for a “great” scientist. You are not conning anyone anymore, snake oil salesman.
You not understanding the example doesn't mean the example wasn't on point .

The example was representing light shaping around a mass by deflection/resistance . If you notice the sphere is wet all around and lensing the light , looking shiny !
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Feb 16, 2023
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I am reluctant to accept that the ''lensing'' effect is in anyway gravity related . I am also reluctant to accept sciences pictures of ''lensing'' because no doubt some of them are drawings rather than actual photos of the effect .
What science calls gravitational lensing , I'd just explain that as obstruction of light and a shape being outlined by light density function .
In example our atmosphere may be appeared to be '''lensed'' from a distance , the atmosphere appearing like a haze .

In example pour some water on the relative top of a sphere and the water will shape around the ball .
Photons are not a liquid, nor does it behave like a liquid.
If you believe that your theory has merits, then you should refine it further.
But as of now, your theory has nothing going for it that is not explained perfectly by the current knowledge of physics.
The theories that Albert Einstein gave us may be flawed, but they still predict things that your theory can not.
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Mar 17, 2024
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Photons are not a liquid, nor does it behave like a liquid.
If you believe that your theory has merits, then you should refine it further.
But as of now, your theory has nothing going for it that is not explained perfectly by the current knowledge of physics.
The theories that Albert Einstein gave us may be flawed, but they still predict things that your theory can not.
Again you miss the point !

Do you understand how dust particles etc can reflect light ?

When you view a large body at a distance and you observe lensing , that is because something is being outlined by the light as I tried to show you using a wet ball .

Lensing is nothing to do with gravity , light does not curve around a surface like an atmosphere does , period !
Feb 16, 2023
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Light does not curve at all. From the photons perspective, it has travelled in a straight line.

And refraction from dust would have sent the photon in another direction, it would never have reached your eyes in that case, unless you are saying that it reflected off some dust, then reflected again to make a turn back on the former path it was on.

If refraction was the main cause, then we should for example see the same stars appearing in multiple spots on the sky, heck, the whole night sky should literally be a buzzing statical view with light randomly appearing all over the place.

“Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.”​

Mar 17, 2024
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“Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.”​

Did you know that space provides an optical illusion for most people ?

Did you know that the blackness of space is actually just transparency ?

Did you know that the stars are not tightly packed as they look ?

If you were to set a course directly between two distance stars , the space between the stars would visually extend the closer you got .
Feb 16, 2023
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Did you know that space provides an optical illusion for most people ?

Did you know that the blackness of space is actually just transparency ?

Did you know that the stars are not tightly packed as they look ?

If you were to set a course directly between two distance stars , the space between the stars would visually extend the closer you got .
Yes, space is large.
I am not sure why you saw fit to only reply to the quote from hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, though

Your gravity b would make the photons shy away from mass, meaning that light would zig zag through the universe.
So light from another galaxy should not travel into our Sol’s gravity well at all. I take back the statement about the night sky appearing like a buzzing static. Instead it should all just be dark.
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Reactions: Cheryl88
Mar 17, 2024
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And you do not know how to communicate with words. Your example specifically stated that the water would shape around the ball, nothing about looking shiny or anything to do with light. Just about pouring water on a ball. More to the point would be, “Take a wet ball. Note how lensing of the light occurs, making it shiny.” Instead, you divert your listeners attention to irrelevancy … to pouring water on a ball. Another trick of a snake oil salesman … disguising their meanings with irrelevant pictures.
Why do I feel I have entered the world of robots that reply with drivel ?
Mar 17, 2024
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Simple. Because that is what your egotistical mind allows you to feel.
Simply because you were unable to imagine how the ball looked with water poured onto it and I had to explain further !

Anyway , back to topic . Einstein's work was incomplete , some of it was sense but some of it was nonsense .

Time dilation for example is ''fake'' science .