Some of the 1st ice age humans who ventured into Americas came from China, DNA study suggests

May 14, 2023
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How do the Chinese get Native American DNA? And did the Native Anericans give permissions for their DNA to given to the world? Native American beliefs are that they have been in North Ametica since inmemorial. Most Native Americans are very hesitant to give out their DNA. So how has the US Government allowed this to be shared?
May 15, 2023
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How do the Chinese get Native American DNA? And did the Native Anericans give permissions for their DNA to given to the world? Native American beliefs are that they have been in North Ametica since inmemorial. Most Native Americans are very hesitant to give out their DNA. So how has the US Government allowed this to be shared?
Some Native people were reluctant to participate in the Human Genome Project, but that does not mean none did. HGP was still able to get consent from many Native ppl. Not as great a turn out as hoped for, but enough to identify peculiar Native Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) and peculiar Native genotypes. The project also discovered that all Natives in the Americas have a genetic tolerance for a high fat diet--a hereditary adaptation to the way of life of late Pleistocene big game hunters.
May 15, 2023
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In genetics, a common Single Nucleotide Polymorphism indicates a common ancestor at some previous stage, however, it does not necessarily account for the full geographical distribution of that SNP over the course of previous generations. Over the course of generations, some related individuals, or populations, might pass away without having descendants.

It is otherwise unclear, when the present Chinese ethnicities arrived in China. Inasmuch as oriental facial morphology originated as an adaptation to extreme cold climates, it seems more likely that The late Pleistocene ancestors of the Chinese migrated to the temperate climate of China from an extreme northern region, perhaps not so far from where Native Americans originated in Siberia.

While Native Americans show many peculiar hereditary SNPs and genomes, The indigenous population of the Altai Mountains demonstrate several similar SNPs.