Repeated signals from the center of the Milky Way could be aliens saying hello, new study claims

Dec 16, 2022
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Still not sure if advertising our existence and location is such a good idea. We know from SciFi movies that there are bad aliens out there. If we can imagine them, they probably exist. Isn't it enough we know zero about the observed UAP's crowding our skies? Do we really need to lure in more technologically superior creatures from outer space? Let's just focus on advancing us to a technologically superior civilization so other civilized alien worlds have to worry about us. If some outer space civilization has the means to visit us, we would almost certainly be toast.
Jun 2, 2023
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In order for a signal to be identified as an attempt to communicate, it must have a pulse which is irregular just as a telegraph message has an irregular pulse, i.e., one of long and short pulses. Where does the article speak to this issue?
Jan 15, 2023
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Careful, that is too rational for those responsible for announcing our existence.
I've been harping on this for years. The late great Carl Sagan and associates thought in their superior mindsets that a proper roadmap including human genetic makeup and precise directions to earth was a sane thing to do. Advanced stupidity.
Sagan was entertaining but lethally naive, as was the team who planned with him to advertise our place in the cosmos. Now if they really believed in extraterrestrial life and the imperfect state of creation, especially us, they wouldn't have done this. In other words, these types of "scientists" are supremely dangerous, not deserving the respect they garnish.
The objects and other discoveries are in most cases light years away and indeed, have long ago existed and are in themselves little relevant. Humans live in the moment, and these discoveries are considered by many to be in real time.
They happened millions of years before humanity existed. Attention should be paid to the energies close to earth knowing how precarious knowledge of the things which can affect us can be fatal for our species.
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Feb 13, 2023
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Still not sure if advertising our existence and location is such a good idea. We know from SciFi movies that there are bad aliens out there. If we can imagine them, they probably exist. Isn't it enough we know zero about the observed UAP's crowding our skies? Do we really need to lure in more technologically superior creatures from outer space? Let's just focus on advancing us to a technologically superior civilization so other civilized alien worlds have to worry about us. If some outer space civilization has the means to visit us, we would almost certainly be toast.
Did you read the article ? Breakthrough Listen created an algorithm to listen for aliens broadcasting their existence and are aiming it at the galactic center. It isn't a transmitter. Also, there is 0 evidence that any uap = aliens.
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Jun 3, 2023
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THis is all rubbish In 1947 a yet unexplained event occurred at Rosswell and a young alien escaped the crash. The aliens who sent that ship are now concerned that the child alien may now be grown and want to go home. That alien child is now Joe Biden and they want him back. Tell them he is here and ready for return Tell them the rest of the White House Aliens want to go with him so send a big ship that can accommodate the entire Democrat Party.
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Apr 29, 2020
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Still not sure if advertising our existence and location is such a good idea. We know from SciFi movies that there are bad aliens out there. If we can imagine them, they probably exist. Isn't it enough we know zero about the observed UAP's crowding our skies? Do we really need to lure in more technologically superior creatures from outer space? Let's just focus on advancing us to a technologically superior civilization so other civilized alien worlds have to worry about us. If some outer space civilization has the means to visit us, we would almost certainly be toast.
THis is all rubbish In 1947 a yet unexplained event occurred at Rosswell and a young alien escaped the crash. The aliens who sent that ship are now concerned that the child alien may now be grown and want to go home. That alien child is now Joe Biden and they want him back. Tell them he is here and ready for return Tell them the rest of the White House Aliens want to go with him so send a big ship that can accommodate the entire Democrat Party.
It is not the Democratic Party that need to be exiled, it is the republicans with Trump lying and deliberate misinformation that needs to be removed. 37 Republican Senators actually believe the crap QAON is putting out...this clearly shows the reduced level of the Republicans.^ QED.
Dec 16, 2022
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Did you read the article ? Breakthrough Listen created an algorithm to listen for aliens broadcasting their existence and are aiming it at the galactic center. It isn't a transmitter. Also, there is 0 evidence that any uap = aliens.
The aliens we could find with our technology are no more advanced than us. If we have to communicate via a medium that takes lightyears years to reach the target audience, then we're dealing with a civilization as incapable as we are. What good would that do? It is a much better strategy to advance our capabilities to the point where we could be equal to an advanced alien civilization, before we try to reach out to any of them. If there is such a thing, they're ignoring us because to them we're like helpless infants.
Dec 16, 2022
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In order for a signal to be identified as an attempt to communicate, it must have a pulse which is irregular just as a telegraph message has an irregular pulse, i.e., one of long and short pulses. Where does the article speak to this issue?
In our limited imagination we assume that the only way to communicate is the way we know it. If there are alien civilizations overcoming distances measured in lightyears within an earthly lifetime, they'd possess communication skills that are vastly faster than what we're capable of. Earthlings make the same mistakes when we imagine catching up to an alien civilization. We assume that they're as technologically limited as we are. That's a paradox to our own presumption. We expect an alien civilization to be more advanced than us, but at the same time, we impose our technological limitations on them. If that were the case, they wouldn't be
We have no idea what is out there. This is pure speculation and not fact based.

advanced. It's a fact that we're technologically advanced over the founders of the US. Do you think they could imagine that we would fly people into earth's orbit, use space based telescopes, and watch whatever content we wish on a flat screen at home? That's only about 250 years' worth technological advancement. Imagine what a few 1000 years of technological advancement at the current increasing pace could do for us. That could mean you wouldn't be able to recognize the world around you if you were teleported 100 years into the future. Our technology may be advanced from our linear perspective looking into the past. The relevant question is, how much more could we advance if progress continues at the same pattern into the future? It's worth thinking about that, because somewhere in there is the advanced alien civilization we expect to make contact with.
We have no idea what is out there. This is pure speculation and not fact based.
The fact no alien advanced civilization contacted us could be proof they exist. If there were such a civilization, they wouldn't just be observing us, they'd be observing other emerging civilizations and compare them to each other. If you were one of these aliens, what kind of civilization would you first contact? One you could learn from, or one that wants to learn from you?
Jan 15, 2023
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A new search for extraterrestrial life has scientists looking inward — toward the center of our galaxy.

Repeated signals from the center of the Milky Way could be aliens saying hello, new study claims : Read more
It seems that this is a bit primitive for such advanced civilizations. far beyond the Einsteinian physics, the aliens we seek may not be visible. They may not be at all.
This topic is fascinating to humankind, and very much overdone on a track which isn't close to reality. It's coming from terribly short-lived beings ruminating in cult like fashion.
A genuine discussion of the many facets concerning alien beings will interrupt agendas that are frivolous and self-serving as is most popular hosts of UFO knowledge.
The facets of this topic haven't been broached in 71 years since it began. It's all cult fantasy to this day.
Jan 15, 2023
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Careful, that is too rational for those responsible for announcing our existence.
I've been harping on this for years. The late great Carl Sagan and associates thought in their superior mindsets that a proper roadmap including human genetic makeup and precise directions to earth was a sane thing to do. Advanced stupidity.
Sagan was entertaining but lethally naive, as was the team who planned with him to advertise our place in the cosmos. Now if they really believed in extraterrestrial life and the imperfect state of creation, especially us, they wouldn't have done this. In other words, these types of "scientists" are supremely dangerous, not deserving the respect they garnish.
The objects and other discoveries are in most cases light years away and indeed, have long ago existed and are in themselves little relevant. Humans live in the moment, and these discoveries are considered by many to be in real time.
They happened millions of years before humanity existed. Attention should be paid to the energies close to earth knowing how precarious knowledge of the things which can affect us can be fatal for our species.
Yes, yes, and yes.
Jul 5, 2023
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According to a new study, the detection of repeated signals originating from the center of the Milky Way could potentially be attributed to extraterrestrial life attempting to communicate with us. These signals, if confirmed, raise the intriguing possibility of receiving a deliberate "hello" message from aliens located in our galaxy.
Jan 15, 2023
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The aliens just saying hello may be thousands or millions of years more advanced than humans.
The question would be why they attempted to do this in the first place? Humans are hung up on "aliens" in cultish fashion, not considering the rationality involved with such a belief.
These entities if real, may not need spaceships or appear as we need them too. We may have organic life here on earth that are the aliens. They could have been here all along.
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Sep 19, 2023
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Advanced aliens might say hello for various reasons, such as curiosity, altruism, or diplomacy. Humans' fascination with aliens varies, but it's essential to approach the topic with an open mind. Additionally, life on Earth, including potential aliens, could exist in diverse forms, and their influence may be part of a larger "ripplecollection" throughout our planet's history.
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Recall that any signal received must be weighed against the intervening space time distance quandary. A signal received from the galactic center was sent ca. 30,000 or so years ago. Our response would then be received in the same amount of time, with an immediate turn around time of 60,000 years. Civilizations can rise and fall in that amount of time, though short on cosmological scales.

Earth’s electronic signature is a light cone of some hundred years, with AM signals likely to be lost in the background static, it seems that we need only to realize that that light cone is ca. 80 years. Hence, to detect Earth and our civilization, such as it is, bearing in mind the inverse square law which governs the photon flux of the signals falling on a particular receiver, how many civilizations are cruising in this area prepared to listen in?

Frank Drake’s equation about viable interstellar and galactic spacefaring civilizations seems limited at best.

Beyond the concerns of time dilation at the speed of light, it seems that there isn’t a great deal to worry about.
Jul 5, 2023
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Repeated signals detected from the center of the Milky Way galaxy have sparked intrigue is octopus halal? among astronomers. These signals, possibly originating from an unknown source, prompt further investigation into cosmic phenomena and the mysteries of our universe.
Jan 15, 2023
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Still not sure if advertising our existence and location is such a good idea. We know from SciFi movies that there are bad aliens out there. If we can imagine them, they probably exist. Isn't it enough we know zero about the observed UAP's crowding our skies? Do we really need to lure in more technologically superior creatures from outer space? Let's just focus on advancing us to a technologically superior civilization so other civilized alien worlds have to worry about us. If some outer space civilization has the means to visit us, we would almost certainly be toast.
We do not possess the ability to imagine this reality of what we're commenting on.
I'm not sure my input means anything at all, but I know we are supremely ego driven, and limited in vision among many other aspects.
My take on this subject is human beings are a species with a "shelf life". While we consider ourselves as advancing the opposite is happening. In a strange twist of fate, the technology we have created is destroying, not building societies. What we take as a sort of savior, is our means of expiration.
The same logic dictates our inability to conceive what is out there. Our technology is deceiving us in that the advancement we experience at this juncture, is degrading, and not on the upswing. Seems foreign to our logic.
So that's why no one can offer a comment based in reality concerning "out there".
Dec 16, 2022
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Yes, and no. We know from Einstein and others that higher dimensions do exist. An advanced civilization probably cracked how to make use of interdimensional travel. Understanding the 4th dimension would mean you could see or somehow sense it. There are 4 dimensional line drawings out there. The trouble is, unless someone tells you what you're looking at, you wouldn't recognize it as such. That means, you could pass by 4 dimensional occurrences daily in nature, and you wouldn't know it. Our brains are not developed to detect the 4th dimension with the senses we're aware of. We may have other senses we're unaware of that could let us detect the 4th dimension. For example, it could be that what we call our imagination is one of those senses. However, unless you know what you're looking for, it still would be impossible to recognize a 4th dimensional event. Consequently it's possible that 4 dimensional visitors from another galaxy could be in our immediate vicinity, and you wouldn't see them. A bug that lives in a 2 dimensional world, usually doesn't know when we're approaching it. It is incapable of recognizing a 3 dimensional entity. Some have a chemical sensory system. They navigate by following chemical paths to find stuff, or each other. They don't rely on vision, like us. Looking at this example, there must be another way to 'see' the 4th dimension, one we don't recognize as such. Why do I go through this lengthy thought experiment, if you can call it that? I think we could be infiltrated by visitors from other galaxies right now. They're aware of us, but we're not aware of them. That would explain a lot, like why some people claim they can see ghosts, or supernatural events. We have not reached the evolutionary level where the 4th dimension is something we can grasp. If this is true, our problem to overcome long distance space travel isn't just technological, it's also evolutionary. We know enough to understand that we don't understand how to travel to Andromeda within a lifetime. That's a step in the right direction. I doubt the problem can be solved with the development of a warp drive. The Milky Way alone is almost 106,000 lys across. Andromeda is 2.5M lys away. We'll never get there, even with a warp drive. Of course, a warp drive is better than our rocket drives. But, we'd have to develop our abilities far beyond warp drive technology to physically travel to another galaxy. Our understanding of how the universe works would have to advance by 100s, or perhaps 1000s of years to get anywhere near the capability to travel across millions of light-years with a human lifespan. Another possibility is that physical space travel may be obsolete. That subject has been explored in movies like Contact, or Avatar. The idea that we're connected to an avatar like being, aka an astral body, has been out there for a long time. Presumably, these exist in an environment beyond our grasp, such as the 5th dimension, as depicted in the movie Interstellar. The reality of higher dimension is probably very different than what is imagined by 3 dimensional humans. But it certainly would revolutionize travel within our universe. That seems borderline insane right now. However, until 100 years ago we didn't know that some of those light specks we see in the night sky are actually galaxies. Until then we had no idea how vast the universe is. We thought the universe is made of 1 galaxy, the Milky Way, and that's it. This is a similar breakthrough as when we realized Earth is spherical. Until then, we believed beyond the horizon is the end of our world. In retrospect it's obviously logical that Earth is spherical. However, without evidence we assumed many alternative theories. It's the same with higher dimensions. Once we understand how they work, we're probably assuming the wrong theories. Then again, one of them could be correct.