Rare' disorder that causes extreme sleepiness may more common than thought

Dec 15, 2023
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I'm not so sure that they are right here. There's no mention of one of the cardinal symptoms, sleep drunkenness, and the remission rate seems way too high compared with other studies. I suspect a number of these people had unexplained hypersomnia rather than idiopathic and once the cause was treated, so their hypersomnia went away.
Dec 15, 2023
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Did they do any research into the individuals to see if they suffered from depression, had any lack of vitamins/took supplements, or had good hydration habits, etc?
most people should go through banks of tests including psychiatrists, various blood tests including iron, thyroid and B/D, scans for brain lesions and parkinsons and then overnight PSG sleep test and a daytime MSLT followed by a sleep doctors assessment. All other causes should be ruled out, but thats not necessarily the case in the USA