Harvard scientist claims 'anomalous' metal spheres pulled from the ocean could be alien technology. Others are not convinced.

Dec 16, 2022
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When you cry alien wolf too many times, it could be that no one pays attention when evidence of aliens is found for real. Since we don't have a clue what evidence of aliens is supposed to look like, we tend to deem anything that's not immediately explainable as potentially alien. In reality, this is a leap too far. Unless space aliens are practically handing over inexplicable materials themselves, we can't be sure something was created by alien hands. Even if we found alien creatures, that alone is still not definitive proof they originated from another solar system or galaxy. They won't have their return addresses stamped on their foreheads, assuming they have foreheads. They could also be time travelers from our own future or past. That would be the most logical explanation. Only someone who originated on Earth would know how to locate it in another time. Perhaps our entire alien focus is unrealistic to begin with. Rather than finding aliens in our own time, we should realize our best chance to locate aliens isn't by using our limited 3 dimensional understanding of reality. By now we should've gotten used to the idea from looking into the cosmos, reality has 4 dimensions, possibly even more. If we find evidence of aliens via radio telescopes, they may not even exist anymore if the signal originated a few 1000 lightyears away. Perhaps they're sending distress signals ahead of an unavoidable disaster. The possibilities are endless. Our presumed aliens are the product of our creative imagination. We use them as place holders for some things we can't immediately explain, kind of like jokers in a card game. The same imagination presumes we're interesting to aliens. The fact we keep expecting aliens to brighten up our existence may be evidence we don't even find ourselves interesting. So, why would advanced aliens find us interesting? If they're the operators of the more esoteric observed UAPs, that could be evidence they're laughing at us. They're driving our imagination amok without giving us real evidence of their existence. If they're real, they're only giving us enough evidence to make fools of ourselves. The tic tac video by itself is no evidence of aliens. Just because we don't believe humans could've created such a flying machine doesn'trule it out. We also don't know enough to rule out that millions of alien civilizations exist in our time. Then again, time is an ambiguous term in the universe. At best, we calculate with earth time. An alien civilization may have an entirely different way to calculate time, assuming time even matters to them. Our 3 dimensional coordinates need to become 4 dimensional, if we want to have a chance to make contact. To make that possible, our brains need to become 4 dimension literate. Not too many of us can identify a 4 dimensional graphic on sight. That means, we won't recognize anything else as such if we encountered it in everyday life. It also means, we don't see reality as it is. We only see the 3 dimensions we accept as reality. It means, to meet aliens we need to master a leap of our consciousness. The 3 familiar dimensions won't be good enough to meet an advanced alien civilization that is adept in overcoming time and space. As little as a few 100 years ago, most humans didn't read or write. If you teleported someone from that time into our time, they'd be thoroughly confused. Reading and writing didn't just open the doors to communicate, it also gave us the tools to understand the world around us. We need to become 4 dimension literate to navigate 4 dimensional information. That will enable us to communicate with an alien civilization. Until then, aliens are just a dream.