Recent content by wadedanielsmith

  1. W

    The coronavirus did not escape from a lab. Here's how we know.

    We know it's not engineered, because's it's a 96% genetic match to the original SARS virus, and we know that comes from a Bat virus. We don't know where the other 4% of the virus genome came from, but basically SARS Coronavirus 2 is a direct Genetic descendant of the original SARS virus. It just...
  2. W

    Why the Earth, Sun, and Universe are probably older than the Standard Model of Cosmology predicts.

    The calculations aren't hard. All I did was take the average between zero burning and present day rate of burning for the Sun, and then calculate how long it would take to burn from 4% Helium to present composition. That turned out to be 27.4 billion years, which is conveniently almost exactly...
  3. W

    How To What is a Quark?

    The present version of the Quark Model needs some refinement. It currently predicts certain fundamental particles which verifiably do NOT exist in the real universe, such as Strangelets and Quark Stars. If Strangelets existed in the real universe, we wouldn't be here to observe them, because...
  4. W

    Why the Earth, Sun, and Universe are probably older than the Standard Model of Cosmology predicts.

    I'll discuss these, but they are calculable so anyone who doesn't believe me can do the math for themselves. Age of the Sun: If you assume the Sun is a First Generation Star, and start with hydrogen to helium ratio equal to the background compositon of the Universe, which is 96% Hydrogen...
  5. W

    Betelgeuse effects of its supernova

    More than the mainstream physics community thinks. The Crab Nebula Pulsar Supernova is misclassified. It is currently thought to be an Electron Capture supernova. It's not. It is a matter-anti-matter pair instability supernova, which is about 100 times as energetic as Electron Capture. Now the...
  6. W

    Personal Observations about Over-reported and Under-reported aspects of Global Warming

    Further explanation of how Category 4 hurricanes could eventually start hitting western Europe. As the northern North Atlantic continues to warm due to global warming, the Poles Sea Surface Temperature warms twice as fast as the global SST average, and the Polar 2 meter atmospheric temperature...
  7. W

    Personal Observations about Over-reported and Under-reported aspects of Global Warming

    This post is about some Science and Geology things they don't teach you in a text book about Earth Science. First of all, I believe in Man made global warming, and if anything I think it's actually worse than the current/most recent IPCC report suggests. Obviously we shouldn't destroy the...
  8. W

    Minor Mistakes in 2017 Hurricane article. Link included.

    Also, another mistake in the Article. The real intensity increase due to Global Warming in the past 30 years is a good indicator of what the future intensity increase in the next 30 or 80 years will be. In the past 30 years, Atlantic Hurricanes have increased in wind speed by 15%* and...
  9. W

    Minor Mistakes in 2017 Hurricane article. Link included.

    Hello. I am new here. I have noticed a few minor mistakes in this article: 1) Wilma's Official maximum intensity is 185mph, not 175mph. NHC knows Wilma was stronger than this, but because the Hurricane Hunters had abandoned...