What is the strong force?

Admittedly, being largely ignorant of physics, I got stuck on the concept of science being able to recognize the presence of something that lasts a trillionth of a billionth of a second. Or, for that matter, measuring that length of time! It boggles the untrained mind.
Thomas Thompson

Despite the apparent complexity within the universe, there remain just four basic forces. These forces are responsible for all interactions known to science: from the very small to the very large to those that we experience in our day-to-day lives. These forces describe the movement of galaxies, the chemical reactions in our laboratories, the structure within atomic nuclei, and the cause of radioactive decay. They describe the true cause behind familiar terms like friction and the normal force. These four basic forces are known as fundamental because they alone are responsible for all observations of forces in nature. The four fundamental forces are gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear force, and strong nuclear force.

The gravitational force is most familiar to us because it describes so many of our common observations. It explains why a dropped ball falls to the ground and why our planet orbits the Sun. It gives us the property of weight and determines much about the motion of objects in our daily lives. Because gravitational force acts between all objects of mass and has the ability to act over large distances, the gravitational force can be used to explain much of what we observe and can even describe the motion of objects on astronomical scales! That said, gravity is incredibly weak compared to the other fundamental forces and is the weakest of all of the fundamental forces. Consider this: The entire mass of Earth is needed to hold an iron nail to the ground. Yet with a simple magnet, the force of gravity can be overcome, allowing the nail to accelerate upward through space.

The electromagnetic force is responsible for both electrostatic interactions and the magnetic force seen between bar magnets. When focusing on the electrostatic relationship between two charged particles, the electromagnetic force is known as the coulomb force. The electromagnetic force is an important force in the chemical and biological sciences, as it is responsible for molecular connections like ionic bonding and hydrogen bonding. Additionally, the electromagnetic force is behind the common physics forces of friction and the normal force. Like the gravitational force, the electromagnetic force is an inverse square law. However, the electromagnetic force does not exist between any two objects of mass, only those that are charged.

When considering the structure of an atom, the electromagnetic force is somewhat apparent. After all, the electrons are held in place by an attractive force from the nucleus. But what causes the nucleus to remain intact? After all, if all protons are positive, it makes sense that the coulomb force between the protons would repel the nucleus apart immediately. Scientists theorized that another force must exist within the nucleus to keep it together. They further theorized that this nuclear force must be significantly stronger than gravity, which has been observed and measured for centuries, and also stronger than the electromagnetic force, which would cause the protons to want to accelerate away from each other.

The strong nuclear force is an attractive force that exists between all nucleons. This force, which acts equally between proton-proton connections, proton-neutron connections, and neutron-neutron connections, is the strongest of all forces at short ranges. However, at a distance of 10–13 cm, or the diameter of a single proton, the force dissipates to zero. If the nucleus is large (it has many nucleons), then the distance between each nucleon could be much larger than the diameter of a single proton.

The weak nuclear force is responsible for beta decay, as seen in the equation ZAXN → Z+1AYN–1 + e + v. Enrico Fermi was the first to envision this type of force. While this force is appropriately labeled, it remains stronger than the gravitational force. However, its range is even smaller than that of the strong force. The weak nuclear force is more important than it may currently appear, which can be explained when quarks are discussed..

The strong force is not the only force with a carrier particle. Nuclear decay from the weak force also requires a particle transfer. In the weak force are the following three: the weak negative carrier, W–; the weak positive carrier, W+; and the zero charge carrier, Z0. As we will see, Fermi inferred that these particles must carry mass, as the total mass of the products of nuclear decay is slightly larger than the total mass of all reactants after nuclear decay.

The carrier particle for the electromagnetic force is, not surprisingly, the photon. After all, just as a lightbulb can emit photons from a charged tungsten filament, the photon can be used to transfer information from one electrically charged particle to another.

Finally, the graviton is the proposed carrier particle for gravity. While it has not yet been found, scientists are currently looking for evidence of its existence.

So how does a carrier particle transmit a fundamental force? The transmitted photon is referred to as a virtual particle because it cannot be directly observed while transmitting the force. The graph of time versus position is called a Feynman diagram, after the brilliant American physicist Richard Feynman (1918–1988), who developed it.

The Feynman diagram should be read from the bottom up to show the movement of particles over time. In it, you can see that the left proton is propelled leftward from the photon emission, while the right proton feels an impulse to the right when the photon is received. In addition to the Feynman diagram, Richard Feynman was one of the theorists who developed the field of quantum electrodynamics (QED), which further describes electromagnetic interactions and the strong force on the submicroscopic scale. For this work, he shared the 1965 Nobel Prize with Julian Schwinger and S.I. Tomonaga. A Feynman diagram explaining the strong force interaction hypothesized by Yukawa can

The strong force, a fundamental interaction of nature that acts between subatomic particles of matter. The strong force binds quarks together in clusters to make more-familiar subatomic particles, such as protons and neutrons. It also holds together the atomic nucleus and underlies interactions between all particles containing quarks.

The strong force originates in a property known as colour, from Richard Feynman's quantum chromo- dynamics (QCD). This property, which has no connection with colour in the visual sense of the word, is somewhat analogous to electric charge. Just as electric chargeis the source of electromagnetism, or the electromagnetic force, so colour is the source of the strong force.

Particles without colour, such as electrons and other leptons, do not “feel” the strong force; particles with colour, principally the quarks, do “feel” the strong force. Quantum chromodynamics, the quantum field theory describing strong interactions, takes its name from this central property of colour.

Protons and neutrons are examples of baryons, a class of particles that contain three quarks, each with one of three possible values of colour (red, blue, and green). Quarks may also combine with antiquarks (their antiparticles, which have opposite colour) to form mesons, such as pi mesons and K mesons. Baryons and mesons all have a net colour of zero, and it seems that the strong force allows only combinations with zero colour to exist. Attempts to knock out individual quarks, in high-energy particle collisions, for example, result only in the creation of new “colourless” particles, mainly mesons.

In strong interactions the quarks exchange gluons, the carriers of the strong force. Gluons, like photons (the messenger particles of the electromagnetic force), are massless particles with a whole unit of intrinsic spin. However, unlike photons, which are not electrically charged and therefore do not feel the electromagnetic force, gluons carry colour, which means that they do feel the strong force and can interact among themselves. One result of this difference is that, within its short range (about 10−15 metre, roughly the diameter of a proton or a neutron), the strong force appears to become stronger with distance, unlike the other forces.

As the distance between two quarks increases, the force between them increases rather, the inverse of the gravitational force, just as the tension does in a piece of elastic as its two ends are pulled apart. Eventually the elastic will break, yielding two pieces. Something similar happens with quarks, with sufficient energy it is not one quark but a quark-antiquark pair that is “pulled” from a cluster. Thus, quarks appear always to be locked inside the observable mesons and baryons, a phenomenon known as confinement.

At distances comparable to the diameter of a proton, the strong interaction between quarks is about 100 times greater than the electromagnetic interaction. At smaller distances, however, the strong force between quarks becomes weaker, and the quarks begin to behave like independent particles, an effect known as asymptotic freedom.

See: https://www.britannica.com/science/dispersion-physics

If a particle you know has the property called color, then you get to examine the strong nuclear force. Your color can be one of red, green, or blue (confusingly there is also anti-red, anti-green and anti-blue, because of course life isn't that simple). To build a particle like a proton, all the colors of the quarks have to add up to white. Thus one quark gets assigned to be red, the other assigned to be green, and the last assigned to be blue. The particular assignment of color doesn't actually matter (and, in fact, the individual quarks constantly change color), what matters is that they all add up to white and that the strong force can do its work. This property of color is what allows the quarks to share a state inside a proton. With color, no two quarks are exactly the same — they now have different colors.