Underwater volcano riding a sinking tectonic plate may have unleashed major earthquakes in Japan

Jan 15, 2023
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A seamount sitting on a subducting tectonic plate off the coast of Japan and plowing its way into Earth's mantle may be at the root of several magnitude 7 earthquakes in the past 40 years.

Underwater volcano riding a sinking tectonic plate may have unleashed major earthquakes in Japan : Read more
Great article. Awareness of
A seamount sitting on a subducting tectonic plate off the coast of Japan and plowing its way into Earth's mantle may be at the root of several magnitude 7 earthquakes in the past 40 years.

Underwater volcano riding a sinking tectonic plate may have unleashed major earthquakes in Japan : Read more
The data is becoming vast, as we discover hundreds of seamounts worldwide scattered upon the ocean floor.
All of the past theories involving extinction and environmental destruction, seemingly fade a bit when I consider this current finding with everything needed for an utter catastrophe resting at the bottom of the ocean.
When these thoughts are rationally sifted, the conclusion is what has been discovered would be all we need to explain a lot. There is enough magma I'm sure, to bury our society under a mile of lava.
A dire scenario indeed, but possible.