Scientists finally figure out why hundreds of gray whales keep washing up dead along U.S. coasts

Oct 21, 2023
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What a load of rubbish
Look up US and foreign navy use of active sonar
The ocean is literally filled with submarines and sonar buoys letting out acoustic pollution via active sonar that is so intense it makes the sea boil in the immediate vicinity of the buoy/sub and is strong enough to physically destroy tissue of living creatures for kilometres.

In some cases hundreds of kilometres depending on the nature of the ping (yes, these are some of the loudest sounds on planet earth and water carries sound far better than air).

It's not widely discussed because the navy/military is allowed to suppress any press coverage of its methods and operations.

Such an ambivalent news article filled with such tepid assertions backed by bogus science is nothing more than fear mongering when extremely likely alternatives exist that present far more credible evidence.

Whales have bodies susceptible to such acoustic pollution, migrate through corridors where such measures are used intermittently and use sound to communicate (which means they could not only be injured by the sound but also rendered unable to communicate properly with their pod).
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Oct 21, 2023
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Three mass mortality events have struck a population of gray whales off the west coast of North America since the 1980s, and scientists have linked them to changing conditions in the Arctic.

Scientists finally figure out why hundreds of gray whales keep washing up dead along U.S. coasts : Read more
What scientists exactly figured this out? Also, if the answer was so elementary why are scientists so stupid to not have figured that out eons ago? I'm sorry, but I really don't think there's enough stupid people on this planet that would actually believe this level of ignorance with ZERO proof or even a source.... I truly feel sorry for the writers generation. These poor kids are gonna give themselves a stroke over fake outrage at a very young age lol.
Oct 22, 2023
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Why isn't the media talking about all the nuclear waste Japan has been dumping in our oceans. Maybe that has something to do with it. Washington has the highest cancer patients in the world. Only cause all that radio active water gets thrown along the united States west coast. And they are still dumping 30 thousand gallons a day into the ocean. And where does rain come from, our oceans and when it rains all that rain is radio active. And nobody has a clue. Haven't u noticed the rain gives u a tingly feeling now these past few years. It's cause it has finally made it to our coast in full force.
Oct 22, 2023
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Yes, @syduser , I also wondered why this article did not mention military sonar. Loss of habitat may lead to population fluctuation, but mass die-offs of this scale are hard to imagine as a result.
Habitat loss is literally the leading cause of species extinction worldwide. That's about as big a die-off as you can get. considered,noise pollution are some examples.
Last edited:
Oct 26, 2023
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Conveniently they completely ignore Canada's lax sea dumping regulations, sending all kinds of toxic waste in horrifying amounts posing catastrophic consequences to the oceans deep & fragile ecosystem. Causing the death of killer whales and many more precious & vital species the earth relies on for healthy balance. Just blame everything on this concept the globe is changing completely due to mankind when the earth has been forever changing whether we're here or not. People are definitely damaging the planet, but this notion we brought this on entirely can not be assumed considering the earth has always had its own evolutionary process forever changing. It actually rather arrogant & audacious to assume it should never change & be to our liking simply because we have graced it with our presence! I resent the fact that this is more corrupt promotion of the climate agenda pushers to the extent they blatantly deny & staunchly ignore & defiantly refuse to expose other elements destroying the planet such as a country's deliberate efforts to ruin the oceans via way of sewage dumping & chemical waste the "respected" Canadian govt is permissing while no other nations are calling them out for it & holding accountability. If they are so concerned with the planet then see it as your responsibility and sanction them until they comply with modern standards & made to clean it up and fined/imprisoned. This hogwash about the climate obsessed, (when I was a child it was the ozone layer hole), while they turn a blind eye to a first world country's deplorable acts of war against our earths most important resource, our oceans, it's too absurd to comprehend. This article was an agenda piece written for just that objective, suggesting no other possibilities including obvious deadly pollution first world govts are guilty of & allowing ships to empty out once they are in Canadian waters. This could definitely be a direct result of such abuse of our planet. Please focus on other earthly concerns rather than just your money grubbing "climate change" this & "climate change" that. Some disturbing loss & unforgivable phenomenon could easily be explained by our govts actions but that exposes them as frauds & evil criminals on grand scale. You can not put a price on our wild species & all the organisms needed on this planet. An everyone & everything has its purpose. Someone mentioned Japan and their violations and they are monsters, the crimes they do to dolphins and those Asian countries are notorious for funding species extinctions. There are many other driving factors to mass death, it's not always "Just Climate Change". Big business that climate change is that it gets full credit these days like nothing else is wrong here that man is doing!?!