Mysterious 'Viking disease' linked to Neanderthal DNA

Jun 21, 2023
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I had early symptoms of what's described. A couple of my fingers locking. It was painful. FYI after I got my first Covid vaccine, the symptoms disappeared and haven't returned.
Jan 15, 2023
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A new study finds that the key genetic risk factors for Dupuytren's disease, a crippling hand disorder, are derived from Neanderthals.

Mysterious 'Viking disease' linked to Neanderthal DNA : Read more
I suffered from this on my left small finger for years. The painful locking into position could only be remedied by grabbing hold of the entire finger and slowly straitening it back into position, though only a few moments would go by without experiencing it all over again.
Finally received an injection in that finger knuckle and it relieved my painful situation completely.
It is an insidious condition needing medical attention.