10 signs the sun is gearing up for its explosive peak — the solar maximum

Jan 15, 2023
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Experts believe the upcoming solar maximum could be more active and arrive sooner than previously expected. Here are some of the signs indicating they are right.

10 signs the sun is gearing up for its explosive peak — the solar maximum : Read more
5 years ago, scientists were shaking their heads at the calmness of solar cycles, even predicting this maximum would be weak.
Anything goes. That includes an historic CME not experienced before by modern humanity. It's just as likely as any prediction at this juncture.
I read a lot. The Christian scriptures contain prophecy in Revelation Chapter 8 vs. 1, concerning I believe, a 2000-year-old account of what I translate as a massive CME, even piercing our atmosphere.
I do not consider this to be symbolic. Symbols are used to describe the indescribable. In fact, the first four verses contain cosmic catastrophe. I believe this to be accurate and an event which could happen at any time now.