Recent content by Synoptic

  1. Synoptic

    To find intelligent alien Life, humans may need to start thinking like an extraterrestrial

    Why should they cancel each other? We assume higher rationality in ETs while We are still bound(ed rationality). The difference between is quantifiable several ways and meaningful historically.
  2. Synoptic

    Newfound Cannabis Compound May Be 30 Times More Potent Than THC

    Nothing like arguing from Reality and not from beliefs: Africans and Indians get personally affected if YOU smoke it, in inverse form, hence disallow YOU smoking while they do not care being heros, ie, criminals. Then they can extinguish it peacefully or hide the very best strands and effects...
  3. Synoptic

    To find intelligent alien Life, humans may need to start thinking like an extraterrestrial

    Wow... For over ten years, more, telling them this... And all I got was an anxious, abstruse, NASA doctor peridancing his cell around me? Shown it, proven it, surely emails and posts still linger online, don't they? Principles for All Possible Lifeforms. Correctly formulated viewpoints, real...
  4. Synoptic

    Newfound Cannabis Compound May Be 30 Times More Potent Than THC

    Discover is not the right word, those plants have been around since Man Invented Fire. It was one plant, now it happens there are strains, potency, medicinal effects... No one mentions it was well known as a hunger inductor and sold as syrup decades ago.