Recent content by LowellFreeman

  1. L

    Scientists call for serious study of 'unidentified aerial phenomena'

    Not sure what you mean by "most of the photos". I don't see much of any photos being taken of UAP's worth really considering (since the obvious hoax photos of the 60' and 70's) . If there were at least a couple independent photos/videos taken at the same time and location and the eye witnesses...
  2. L

    Scientists call for serious study of 'unidentified aerial phenomena'

    Actually, no UAP's have ever been recorded or at least would not have been. But in 2050 at a Catalina demonstration of a time traveling hovering camera (used primarily on new Teslas to go back in time to record traffic accidents to determine fault), Elon Musk sends them back in time by tossing...
  3. L

    Oldest Viking settlement possibly unearthed in Iceland

    Was wondering what interesting or prophetic comments I might find on the subject of Viking settlements and found flame wars over units of measure and grammar. Gotta love the internet.
  4. L

    Meteor that blasted millions of trees in Siberia only 'grazed' Earth, new research says

    From my understanding, it's the force of the impact with the atmosphere that can create a fireball and shockwave. The comet may have been mixed with heavier elements as well. I've heard them described as "dirty snowballs".
  5. L

    Meteor that blasted millions of trees in Siberia only 'grazed' Earth, new research says

    As I recall, Sagan suggested that a comet made of mostly frozen CO2 could have caused the blast while leaving no trace. What happened to that Idea?