We could end the AIDS epidemic in less than a decade. Here's how.

I am sorry, adult circumcission reduces, but does not cut, the risk of VIH transmission, the statement in article is dangerous.
Child circumcision at day 8 after delivery is molesting a kid, Bible indicates Ismael, patriarch of Arab nations, had circumcision when age 13. Circumcision was practiced by Egyptian pagan priests before Abraham.
About PrEP, I wonder why it took so long considering this: an early RCT in African women, it arouse morality questions, as it was a double blind study, proved AZT reduced vertical transmission of VIH when fetus goes through delivery channel.
Other ways of VIH transmission have similarities to this one.

I proposed the use of a similar preventive therapy for other high risk HIV contagion behavior. If it works, no problem.
Gesund +
Feb 13, 2023
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"While new HIV infections have dropped steadily since their peak in 1995, as people live longer with the disease, the pool of people who are HIV-positive has only grown. "

Drugs that keep people with the disease alive and healthy - and sexually active - are the main cause the pool of people who are HIV-positive is growing exponentially.
Because of this, the whole Earth's population may become HIV-positive within a few decades...