Watch ghostly dumbo octopus swim with its massive 'ears' in rare new footage

Nov 27, 2023
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On an expedition in Hawaii, a remote underwater vehicle filmed a dumbo octopus swimming with its ear-like fins near the seafloor. The pale white creature is one of the deepest-dwelling octopuses on Earth.

Watch ghostly dumbo octopus swim with its massive 'ears' in rare new footage : Read more
Octopuses have three hearts, nine brains and blue blood.Two of there three hearts work exclusively to move blood around the gills, while the third heart keeps circulation to their organs. Octopus prefer a more laid-back lifestyle because their systemic heart cannot take an intense cardio workout an octopus has to swim fast to catch prey it's systemic heart will hire and stop after a while forcing the octopus to stop and recover.

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