Spreading as a Process of Crustal Evolution


Dec 12, 2020
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Spreading is a geodynamic process of the divergence of lithospheric plates that affects earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, the accumulation of minerals in the sedimentary covers of rift valleys, changes in the level of oceans and seas, climate processes, the habitat of flora and fauna of the planet, and hence the life of people. The theoretical basis of Spreading was formulated by Harry Hammond Hess in 1960. At present it is assumed that the processes of the mechanisms of ridge-push, slab pull and mantle convection [1] are responsible for Spreading. The plate is lifted due to the heat of the asthenosphere and under the pressure of the magma injected from below; it is broken, followed by gravitational sliding of the split plate wings from the Rift [2]. Then the process of pulling of the plate wings into the mantle at the expense of their weight takes place. We believe that this does not correspond to reality, because... https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3898821


Dec 12, 2020
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Tectonic plates cannot move on their own. They are moved by magma, but not by its liquid phase, as modern geophysics interprets it, but rather by magma solidifying in the rift.