Martin Luther King Jr.: The iconic civil rights leader


Jul 2, 2020
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Martin Luther King Junior was a leader for all people whether white, black, yellow or any other color

MLKs challenge to the racial divide went as far as falling in love and dating a white student.

While studying in the North MLK fell in love with Betty a white woman whom he dated publicly

Society, neither within black worlds or white, would allow him to marry Betty and live in peace.

Rev. Pius J. Barbour, a friend close to Dr King at the time, admits it was a realisation which left the idealistic MLK a “man with a broken heart” and said that
“He never recovered”

Few except people like MLK dare to challagene the settled realities of each generation, time or age or speak Truth to Power

While MLK started as a non-violent civil rights leader he went on to expand this non violent protest to fight Poverty and the War in Vietnam and specifically included representives of the white poor and those against war from all races and classes

Like JFK and RFK, MLK took on too many vested interests.

Martin Luther King was a leader for all people who wished to have their own self respect and dignity peacefully upheld, regardless of color or faith.

We should always remember that without protecting others rights to self respect and dignity, we have no real possibility of protecting our own civil liberties,

No one can have real self respect or dignity for themselves if they put down others, and by not protecting others we allow each group in society to be divided and ruled at the time that it suits those with power

This is what is happening today - we are told to have no respect for different opinions and mock and attack those with different peaceful views

MLKs legacy and message is as valid today as it ever was, and perhaps even more so.

We all need freedom and truth which is not what we get. The media is owned and government regardless of what party is in power reflects the will of interest groups not voters

MLKs message is valid for all people regardless of sex, faith or race.

MLK was for exclusively non-violent protest for civil and voting rights, for all civil liberties and against all color prejudice, poverty and war.

MLK spoke Truth to Power and that included messages that did not always make him popular with those who supported him.

Today no leader dares to say anything that would offend their power or support base or the wider elite made up of a political-health-military-pharma-industrial-academic-media-tech-banking lobby that pays for the politicians campaigns

There is almost no challange to this elite group that work together informally to dictate policy - whether that is in the USA, China, Europe or elsewhere.

Anything contary to the correct political opinion is shamed into a public apology and a reversal or just mocked.

In China there is an unspoken redline, in the USA and Europe the same self censoring happens.

No one can criticise the state unless it is to move the state against ones political enemies

It has always been the case in history that nothing is settled forever, however few except people like MLK dare to challagene the settled realities of each generation, time or age.

In failing to look at our settled realities we create our next crisis.

JFK and RFK turned against what was the then military-industrial complex to promote other peaceful solutions outside those settled realities.

They came to this position slowly over time. They had previously supported the military-industrial complex actions

President Eisenhower had warned of the Military Industrial Complex and President Truman published a piece in the Washington Post a month to the day after JFKs death saying the CIA had gone too far in its activities and should be closed down and broken up

"This quiet intelligence arm of the President has been so removed from its intended role that it is being interpreted as a symbol of sinister and mysterious foreign intrigue—and subject for cold war enemy propaganda,” Truman wrote.

Truman said the CIA’s “operational duties” should “be terminated.”

In short, JFK’s assassination prompted Truman to call for the CIA’s abolition and breakup.

There can be little doubt that the circumstances of Kennedy’s murder prompted Truman’s radical proposal. The former president, living in Missouri, began writing his Post article nine days after Kennedy was killed

In handwritten notes found at the Truman Library, the former president noted, among other things, that the CIA had worked as he intended only “when I had control.”

Four months later, former CIA director Allen Dulles who JFK had sacked paid Truman a visit. Dulles tried to get Truman to retract what he had written in the Post.

“No dice, said Truman,” according to McGovern/Marcus.

But four days later, in a formal memo for Lawrence Houston, the CIA’s general counsel, Dulles fabricated a retraction.

Dulles claimed that Truman told him the Washington Post article was “all wrong,” and that Truman “seemed quite astounded at it.”

Truman denied it. In a June 10, 1964, letter to Look magazine, Truman restated his critique of covert action, emphasizing that he never intended the CIA to get involved in “strange activities.”

JFK, MLK and RFK all in their ways wanted an end to the Cold War and Vietnam War.

They wanted the promotion of Civil and Voting Rights and a War Against Poverty.

Civil Rights was something it can be shown the CIA fought against outside the USA and also acted against inside the USA.

JFK and RFK went further looking for a joint space program with Russia, an end to the CIA, reduced military spending, rejecting USA military plans in the 1960s to launch fake terrorist attacks in the USA including bombing US citizens and planes and blaming Cuba (so they could invade Cuba), and reducing US oil subsidy payments and even selling corn to Russia when there were Russian food shortages.

MLK, JFK and RFK actions threatened too many powerful groups

MLKs death has left as many questions unanswered about what really happened to him, as his lifes work raised about the necessary changes in society he championed.

We clearly remember that MLK, JFK and RFK were all assassinated.

It is important to look at this because the inquries and court cases into their deaths show there were powerful groups in the establishment who opposed all these men and that there is a real possibility of a series of conspiracies to assassinate each of them.

Throughout history the power groups in society have always opposed changes that allow civil rights and liberties.

While not dwelling too much on the 3 assassinations it seems very clear that

MLKs friends and family do not believe MLK was killed by James Earl Ray and a civil court case the MLK family brought in 1999 later found there was a conspiracy to assassinate MLK, by various parties including those in the US Government.

The US government would never investigate this properly

Like Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan, James Earl Ray was an unskilled assassin with no history of killing or expressing feelings about the victims, or no evidence where they practised their shooting before the assassination.

All the assassinations raised serious questions about who really knew what, and what went on in the months and weeks before and after or who fired the fatal shot or shots.

What can be said about all the assasinations apart from RFKs is that no one was caught at the scene of the crime

RFKs assassination has been shown by multiple sets of evidence to not have been carried out by Sirhan Sirhan.

If RFKs assassin could have been set up while the assassin was in full sight it seems reasonable to consider that JFKs and MLKs assassins could also have been set up.

We know the CIA carried out and planned covert killings around the world, including heads of state and other leaders.

So those within the CIA had a mind set that allowed them to consider the use of assassination.

By looking at RFKs case first we can see clearly that a coverup occured and Sirhan was not RFKs killer.

The shots that killed RFK were fired from behind RFK at point blank range to his head and back

Sirhan was never close enough or behind RFK to have been able to make those shots or leave any gun powder burns on RFK.

Additionally the audio evidence reviewed by modern audio techniques shows about 13 shots were fired but Sirhan's gun could only hold 8 shots, that the bullets were fired from 2 very different locations and in opposite directions. Something not possible for Sirhan to have done as he was always in one location.

Also the police admit much important physical evidence was later deliberately destroyed by the police without any meaningful reason .

RFKs son has made clear his belief that Sirhan did not kill RFK

On JFKs assassination we now know the Zapruder film was doctored by the CIA top secret processing lab to remove frames showing JFK was shot from towards the front and also to obscure some images.

Two versions of the Zapruder film were arranged to be made by the CIA immediately after JFKs death. The copy Zapruder got back was the one with frames removed. It seems likely these frames included a film shot of JFKs car almost stopping as the fatal gun shot was fired as various witnesses reported

This has all been confirmed in publicly available taped interviews with very senior life long career staff and others from the CIA labs where the Zapruder work was done and can be seen in the youtube video of the same interviews below.

The people interviewed included those responsible for the CIAs highest security level film processing work over many years including spy shots from space and U2 flights

A copy of some of the JFK Zapruder work done was kept in the CIA lab safe for many years. The story of what happened to it and how the copies seen in public were different is further evidence of a long running cover up


On MLK assassination the extensive time between Ray's prison escape and the death of MLK or Ray's ability to travel in north America or to England and the time he spent in Portugal has never been properly explained.

It has never been explained how Ray a very minor criminal who had never been involved in murder managed to escape from prison, then travel extensively around Mexico, the USA and Canada before MLKs death and then onto the UK and Europe after MLKs assassination with very high quality IDs or how he financed himself.

It is very strange that Ray went and had his nose altered before he went to Canada and that the changes made his face similar to all the people whose IDs he used that he claims he never knew or saw photos of before

Stories Ray robbed a bank reported by CNN proved false, with the FBI and local sheriff confirming Ray did not commit the crime and that his finger prints were not found at bank.

It is also of note that no tests for gun residue was carried out on the window from which Ray was supposed to have shot MLK and Ray's finger prints were not found in that room but were on the rifle. However the finger prints were found later in another place Ray stayed.

It has also been set out that it would have been almost impossible for Ray to have escaped and dumped his rifle and other items behind the policeman who found them and escape in his car given the policeman was on the scene within about 2 minutes of the fatal shot being fired and found the rifle and other items almost immediately.

It also makes no sense that a fleeing assassin would stop to pick up a few cans of beer and other items found dumped with the rifle.

Further the bullet that killed MLK was never tested to see if it came from the rifle with Ray's finger prints on, though an FBI expert said that the bullet was originally in a state where this test could have been done but later was not so.

Another strange event relates to the sworn testimony of the son of a mafia man. The son says he accompanied his father handing over a $25,000 bribe to a prison warden in return for arranging for Ray to escape prior to MLKs assassination.

Ray had few friends, no connection to the mafia and knew nothing about the bribe and there is no evidence he knew anyone who would make that sort of payment or could expect it repaid. Ray thought his escape was just a lucky break.

The information set out above can be found in the link below

Finally it is openly admitted in CIA files that CIA agents bugged MLK and searched his rooms. The links to the National Archives file is in the article below.

We as individuals need to be clear that those with power will always try to take more power.

The NSA, CIA, FBI, Governmant etc never give back powers taken during times of crisis.

The same goes for our public health protections or the failure to have open disclosure about the work or the tests done in our name.

Each time we let our rights be taken we will lose our civil liberties.

We all know about the Catholic Church enforcing the flat earth idea on pain of death and many other terrible actions taken in the name of the one true God by those of different faiths.

We know from history science, religion and politics is never settled and everything changes.

Newtons laws are now open to other realities though they were once settled.

Let us not think that we are so advanced.

It is almost certain that in 50 or 100 years our settled science of today will be seen as mostly totally flawed and some findings politically channelled.

While our politics will be a shame on humanity just as the politics of past generations is now seen for what it is - very twisted.

We should have learned much more from the lessons of the times before and after the World War 2, and from the Cold War, about what states or people with power do to their people without expressing any regret after the event for the wrongs done.

If we look at World War 1 the senseless slaughter has never been apologized for - it just happened and the other side was to blame.
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