James Webb telescope reaches 'perfect' alignment ahead of debut science images

This ought to be revealing. And I'll bet it will cause a lot of new questions. Let's hope we get a few answers. How much larger and older will the universe get? How much denser will it get? What exactly are we looking at? All the past at the same time? At our time? Isn't our time, the only common thing relevant when looking at the stars? None of the motion that we see is occurring at the same time. Right? So, what are we really looking at? A multi-time exposure image. A collection of time stamps. Only our position and our time gives us the time stamp pattern. If we could change our position or time, that image would change. It's an illusion. What you see, is not there. We have no idea of the present structure or what might be the future. We don't know where anything, really is. Just when something was.