Could the Sahara ever be green again?

Aug 22, 2020
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IMHO any desert wasteland could be turned to forests etc, only if humanity invents fusion power tech someday!

Some people may think "Why humanity needs fusion power? Why not just use solar & wind power etc?"

IMHO, humanity definitely/absolutely needs fusion power, because it could really take humanity to a whole new level (which cannot ever be done using solar & wind power etc)!

Imagine, we could build a global permanent water pipeline network (& do seawater desalinization) & provide plenty water to everywhere on Earth (for agriculture & forests etc)! (& so any desert wastelands (like Sahara Desert) could be turned to forests and/or agricultural fields!)

Imagine, very tall poles w/ very powerful infrared heater lamps (etc) on top!
Imagine, using many of them in cities/towns to turn winters to springs/summers!
And/or, using many of them in agricultural fields to grow any hot climate (even tropical) crops/trees, even in coldest places on Earth!

For example, titanium is an extremely durable & strong & light material & Earth has plenty of it, but AFAIK, it requires so much electricity to mine/process!
Imagine, if we had so much (clean) electricity, we could build all kinds of land/air/sea vehicles, buildings, roads, even whole cities from titanium!

& no doubt, many new techs would become reality, once we have enough electricity power for them! (For example, consider how computers & internet are used in many ways today, which were pretty much unimaginable to their inventors!)
[QUOTE = "FB36, postagem: 13745, membro: 5286"]
IMHO, qualquer terreno baldio do deserto poderia ser transformado em florestas, etc, apenas se a humanidade inventar a tecnologia de energia de fusão algum dia!

Algumas pessoas podem pensar "Por que a humanidade precisa de energia de fusão? Por que não usar apenas energia solar e eólica etc?"

IMHO, a humanidade definitivamente / absolutamente precisa de energia de fusão, porque ela poderia realmente levar a humanidade a um nível totalmente novo (o que nunca pode ser feito usando energia solar e eólica, etc)!

Imagine, poderíamos construir uma rede global de encanamentos de água permanente (e fazer a dessalinização da água do mar) e fornecer bastante água para todos os lugares da Terra (para agricultura e florestas, etc)! (e assim, qualquer deserto (como o deserto do Saara) pode ser transformado em florestas e / ou campos agrícolas!)

Imagine, postes muito altos com lâmpadas infravermelhas muito potentes (etc) em cima!
Imagine usar muitos deles em cidades / vilas para transformar invernos em primaveras / verões!
E / ou, usando muitos deles em campos agrícolas para cultivar qualquer cultivo / árvores de clima quente (mesmo tropical), mesmo nos lugares mais frios da Terra!

Por exemplo, o titânio é um material extremamente durável e forte e leve e a Terra tem muito disso, mas AFAIK, ele requer muita eletricidade para minerar / processar!
Imagine, se tivéssemos tanta eletricidade (limpa), poderíamos construir todos os tipos de veículos terrestres / aéreos / marítimos, edifícios, estradas e até cidades inteiras de titânio!

E sem dúvida, muitos novos técnicos se tornariam realidade, assim que tivermos energia elétrica suficiente para eles! (Por exemplo, considere como os computadores e a Internet são usados de muitas maneiras hoje, que eram praticamente inimagináveis para seus inventores!)
D fato é uma questão de levarem a sério e fornecerem algum fundo para que eu faça um experimento com uso da força que posso usar convertendo o efeito espiral em energia sem consumo de nada e com esse processo fazemos espaços de micro-clima onde a vegetação pode ser implantada. É bem mais barato do que Israel faz cultivando seus desejos. Eu posso fazer um bolsão de abelhas e em breve, com o mel e o turismo que isso vai atrair, alavancaremos o reflorestamento progressivo de todos os desertos, com a experiência que teremos.
Jan 15, 2020
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IMHO any desert wasteland could be turned to forests etc, only if humanity invents fusion power tech someday!

Some people may think "Why humanity needs fusion power? Why not just use solar & wind power etc?"

IMHO, humanity definitely/absolutely needs fusion power, because it could really take humanity to a whole new level (which cannot ever be done using solar & wind power etc)!
We already have fusion power. It's manufactured every second by the nearest star to us and it's called "the sun".
Sep 28, 2020
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The climate of North Africa could be altered by flooding the Qattara Depression in
Egypt. It would increase the overall humidity in the westward flowing trade winds
increasing rain. An added bonus would be a small decrease in sea level. A channel
or tunnel from the Med would accomplish this and is feasible with current tech.
The climate of North Africa could be altered by flooding the Qattara Depression in
Egypt. It would increase the overall humidity in the westward flowing trade winds
increasing rain. An added bonus would be a small decrease in sea level. A channel
or tunnel from the Med would accomplish this and is feasible with current tech.
I feel like I read something about that. Isn't the issue something about ww2 land mines?
Sep 28, 2020
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There have been a number of proposals to flood the depression as it is
well below sea level - 147 meters at it's lowest. There is one oasis
settlement of about 300 that would need to be resettled. Earliest
proposal was 1912. Egypt is looking at it as a hydro electric project.
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Jun 26, 2020
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The climate of North Africa could be altered by flooding the Qattara Depression in
Egypt. It would increase the overall humidity in the westward flowing trade winds
increasing rain. An added bonus would be a small decrease in sea level. A channel
or tunnel from the Med would accomplish this and is feasible with current tech.
Quite possibly something like that happened when the active volcano on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico blew and destroyed the protected areas within the Yucatan, Cuba, and island chain.
Perhaps the theory of DeGrzie/Milton regarding the formation of the inner planets thru magnetic connection of Sol and the minor sun, Jupiter is correct. As the magnetic connection fades. Mars would transform from blue to green to red and dead. IF so, Earth may be transforming to red and Venus, which was the original for the inner planets, may become the last habitat planet before it too becomes red and dead.
Dec 4, 2019
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IMHO any desert wasteland could be turned to forests etc, only if humanity invents fusion power tech someday!

Some people may think "Why humanity needs fusion power? Why not just use solar & wind power etc?"

IMHO, humanity definitely/absolutely needs fusion power, because it could really take humanity to a whole new level (which cannot ever be done using solar & wind power etc)!

Imagine, we could build a global permanent water pipeline network (& do seawater desalinization) & provide plenty water to everywhere on Earth (for agriculture & forests etc)! (& so any desert wastelands (like Sahara Desert) could be turned to forests and/or agricultural fields!)

Imagine, very tall poles w/ very powerful infrared heater lamps (etc) on top!
Imagine, using many of them in cities/towns to turn winters to springs/summers!
And/or, using many of them in agricultural fields to grow any hot climate (even tropical) crops/trees, even in coldest places on Earth!

For example, titanium is an extremely durable & strong & light material & Earth has plenty of it, but AFAIK, it requires so much electricity to mine/process!
Imagine, if we had so much (clean) electricity, we could build all kinds of land/air/sea vehicles, buildings, roads, even whole cities from titanium!

& no doubt, many new techs would become reality, once we have enough electricity power for them! (For example, consider how computers & internet are used in many ways today, which were pretty much unimaginable to their inventors!)
Why should solar and wind farms increase temperature and humidity? The sun energy falling on that piece of ground is the same t no matter what you do with it.

Re. Titanium, what' s the big deal here? Aluminum can do almost everything titanium can do except that titanium is more temperature resistant and more corrosion resistant in chloride systems (e.g. salt). The abundance of aluminum is huge whereas titanium, not so much.

The trouble with hydrogen fusion is that it does not work, so don't make any big plans. If it could be made to work, I doubt it will ever be economical since the plant would be so complex that operating costs would be prohibitive. The fuel is cheap enough, as it is in uranium plants but the infrastructure is outrageous, especially magnified by all the political interference.
I feel like I read something about that. Isn't the issue something about ww2 land mines?
What would land mines have to do with flooding the area? They would be less dangerous underwater than above.
Why should solar and wind farms increase temperature and humidity? The sun energy falling on that piece of ground is the same t no matter what you do with it.

Re. Titanium, what' s the big deal here? Aluminum can do almost everything titanium can do except that titanium is more temperature resistant and more corrosion resistant in chloride systems (e.g. salt). The abundance of aluminum is huge whereas titanium, not so much.

The trouble with hydrogen fusion is that it does not work, so don't make any big plans. If it could be made to work, I doubt it will ever be economical since the plant would be so complex that operating costs would be prohibitive. The fuel is cheap enough, as it is in uranium plants but the infrastructure is outrageous, especially magnified by all the political interference.

What would land mines have to do with flooding the area? They would be less dangerous underwater than above.
No, the area where the cannal would be dug is a ww2 battleground.
Jun 9, 2020
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"The Sahara was once a grass and shrub-covered steppe. Could this ever happen again? "

If Arabia had spent its money on geoforming rather than palaces and Rolls Royces, sure. Israel made its deserts furiously bloom by investing intelligence creating technology. Natural or engineered, Arabia is philosophically crippled. The UAE + israel might be effective.
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Sep 27, 2020
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IMHO any desert wasteland could be turned to forests etc, only if humanity invents fusion power tech someday!

Some people may think "Why humanity needs fusion power? Why not just use solar & wind power etc?"

IMHO, humanity definitely/absolutely needs fusion power, because it could really take humanity to a whole new level (which cannot ever be done using solar & wind power etc)!

Imagine, we could build a global permanent water pipeline network (& do seawater desalinization) & provide plenty water to everywhere on Earth (for agriculture & forests etc)! (& so any desert wastelands (like Sahara Desert) could be turned to forests and/or agricultural fields!)

Imagine, very tall poles w/ very powerful infrared heater lamps (etc) on top!
Imagine, using many of them in cities/towns to turn winters to springs/summers!
And/or, using many of them in agricultural fields to grow any hot climate (even tropical) crops/trees, even in coldest places on Earth!

For example, titanium is an extremely durable & strong & light material & Earth has plenty of it, but AFAIK, it requires so much electricity to mine/process!
Imagine, if we had so much (clean) electricity, we could build all kinds of land/air/sea vehicles, buildings, roads, even whole cities from titanium!

& no doubt, many new techs would become reality, once we have enough electricity power for them! (For example, consider how computers & internet are used in many ways today, which were pretty much unimaginable to their inventors!)
There is more than enough sunlight in deserts in the world to empower solar panels,we should try the solar energy first.I dont know much about fusion tehnique,but we need to build nature based facilities to make power to run desalinizators.Just imagine we make a tornado that will benefit machinery for making drinkable water for people,animals and plants.Or we make a lightning capacity large battery


Sep 27, 2020
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Nature is its own powerplant,we need to adjust to nature,not nature to us,we tried that,and look where we are now.We can fight the nature,but we will always lose,the nature,space and time are all in the will of God.
We need to make the nature based powerplants,either it is solar based,wind or lightning powered.The solar based we already know how to make.For the wind,we needc to engineer smaller tornados making the enviromental occurences inpurpose,or for the lightning bolts,we need large capacity bateries with magnets high in the air to pull the lightning in the batteries.Desalinisators with water hoses need to be connected to the seas at one side and the fields and large pools at other side.And praise God for the green Sahara and all green fields in the world,that once were desesrts.

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