Children's hospital destroyed by Russian bombs in 'atrocious' civilian attack, Ukraine says

What is happening here in Europe cannot be expressed or put into words and not only are the events something that should never have been seen in World War II, should never have been seen in the modern world however you perceive that timeframe personally....

We see this in the news and I am sure in Social Media (the news site I have on updates shares Social Media links from those unfortunate or whom have chosen to remain in Ukraine), so with that in mind and under the rules of this Science forum whom have removed posts which are not of a scientific nature...

How do we answer or debate this article in the spirit of Science, or for the time being, is LiveScience looking to make its position on the situation.

Perhaps discussions of this nature should be locked to comments? What scientific discussion are we to commence?
Do you believe Ukraine because they appear to be the victim of an invasion, their President remaining in the country trying to lead by example and wanting the assistance and strength as the good guy he is to overcome the evil.

Do you disregard everything Russia says because they are the bad guys that have history and have done this before whether Afghanistan in 1979 or Crimea in 2014. They have typically manipulated and wrecked havoc via computing viruses.

Ukraine claim casualties in the hospital bombing, Russia claims a waring was made about the rebels in the hospital days ago and the nurses/ patients had been evacuated,

Ukraine want a no-fly zone massively are they manipulating the media/ world into getting that?

This is playing out in Social Media and (selected) viewpoints.

Are your hopes in the result based on prejudices from the past and what (Social) Media has created?

Rightfully Ukrainians are getting aid, safety from the cold, but would you immediately disregard help to the Russian that has worked relentlessly to make their family's lives better but from no fault of their own has seen mortgage payments and work opportunities take everything away? Should we spare a tear for the Ukrainian that has lost everything and is now beginning a new start and scorn the Russian in fear of speaking out against their Government for the repercussions to their family.

There is no history we can rely on for lessons in the Social Media world we live... I hope for peace and the minimum impact to those whom are innocent and suffer through no fault of their own.

Everyone to some extent will lose in this conflict.

[Edit] 10-Mar-22, 11:16 : I am clear in what position I hold and to keep within the rules of the community I wish to keep personal opinion/ belief out of my 'scientific' response to human behaviour and how tools available today can be used whether for the good or bad in a given situation.
Companies and Countries realistically are forced to take a position however individuals in a scientific debate on a scientific forum do not.
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the news site I have on updates shares Social Media links from those unfortunate or whom have chosen to remain in Ukraine

As does the news outlet I use but they always have the v=caveat they were not able to verify claims.

The video would indeed show an incident but likewise I have in the past seen historical camera recordings from one country used to make a claim about an incident in a different country, trying to pass it off as current and at that specific location.

What the social media cannot distinguish between is:

Russia claiming the hospital had been evacuated and since occupied by rebels.
Ukraine claiming the hospital had innocent patients.

The recording is also chosen by a person whom decides whether to share or not share rather than to hold an unbias position, we simply do not know that person.

It is all very much reminding me of Hunger Games at times.

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