Brand-new class of antibiotic kills drug-resistant superbug

Jan 9, 2024
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Bravo! I'm sure DC computing helped bring about that new discovery. The development of antibiotics, is not as profitable as other drugs hence, slowing of new development, newer. What is going on, pathogens evolve, harder to kill, while med lags sadly behind. Workaround MD's now are more stingy in prescribing. Slowing the process. New drug good > bug evolves to defeat > requires improved med. This buys time, for slower development of new. Used to be, almost any visit to MD, give it to them, not anymore.

Antibiotics kill all "anti" <aganist> Bio <life> so both good & bad work, because you have more a lot more good stuff in your body than bad stuff. Taking a course of insures, the smaller army of bas is destroyed, leaving enough good left to make you well. antibio is not targeted med. Like hunting with a shot gun, yeah you got your pray and a lot more, use a rifle others survive.

DC computing is designed to harness massive amounts of power, on the problem, which (pfizer, merck cannot), knowing the cannot,they rely on DC projects for help insight, given to them in the form of published peer-reviewed magazine. Picture a researcher reading this month's Cell", yhat's whjust what I was curious about, runs back to the lab, applies newl learned and inches its way to bein prescibed new med. Wet chemistry slow, simuluated in 'silica' speed to prescription, is how fast your computer is. DC computing is much faster than all the super computers. ALL FREE! wikipedia 'DC computing list active project' You will be awed! F@H folding at home, has researchers antibio project and millions of machine target that disease if you choose that project. I want my spare cpu cycles to speed up cancer research, to tomorrow choose cancer or both

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