4,000-year-old 'shaman' burial near Stonehenge has a golden secret

Apr 17, 2024
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This is an incredible find. Great post. Such a shame the other barrows had been plundered over the centuries.

I visited Stonehenge and the Barrows to the North this February on a beautiful sunny day. I felt very emotionally drawn to this place since my wife died. I’m very fascinated by it and especially the ancient tribes that built it. I have strong Celtic roots of Cornish, Breton and Irish ancestors. My Cornish ancestors were actually gold miners.

I have a theory that someone like this ‘Shaman’ could be the character Merlin surely being considered a magician by having the knowledge of metal working 4000 years ago. This would have been a serious power over the people. Merlin has been linked with Stonehenge for hundreds of years. In the 12th century he was considered to have floated the stones into place. The round table being Stonehenge. A magical meeting place for tribes and especially their leaders. It makes sense, as we know it (all the circles there) and maybe a lead character like a king or Chieftain brought together the tribes. Someone must have had the original idea and orca started it all. A great charismatic leader and his shaman?

Maybe, such an enduring story over millennia has been right under our noses and feet all along.