Recent content by VCRAGAIN

  1. V

    Flow state' uncovered: We finally know what happens in the brain when you're 'in the zone

    I was a programmer for many years & I realized that when I am my most productive I would go into a state like that & forget where I was or the time etc -- totally absorbed by what I was zonked out about. In fact it was only then that problems would become instantly solvable, so I knew to relax...
  2. V

    New human-mouse chimera is the most human yet

    They are just getting the world slowly used to the idea...and within a decade or so we will see the ultimate 50/50 bred chimeras....and that is how we humans may have come into existence, but via natural animal antics, so it's not such a surprising idea ! If you have never considered the idea...
  3. V

    The coronavirus did not escape from a lab. Here's how we know.

    There is an alternative concept that I ran into this morning - a PhD who has been studying these viruses for many years has an alternative theory - was sidelined for her research etc... the video has a lot of starter footage but if you go forward you can get to the interview.... (not on Youtube...