Recent content by hud123

  1. H

    Question What is stonehenge?

    One of the most popular beliefs was that Stonehenge was built by the Druids. These high priests of the Celts constructed it for sacrificial ceremonies. The rocks in Stonehenge were quarried 180 miles away.
  2. H

    Question Are there any tribal groups out there who do not interact with modern culture at all?

    yes, there are. The tribes in the amazon remain one of the only tribes without modern culture.
  3. H

    Does gravity exist without matter?

    yes, gravity would be there but it could not do anything.
  4. H

    Can you move water with a magnet?

    water itself is non-magnetic however it can be affected by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun, hence the tides.
  5. H

    Why physicists are determined to prove Galileo and Einstein wrong

    Galileo was right and wrong. Gravity affects all objects at the same rate. but some objects have higher air resistance making them fall slower. Einstein's general relativity is right but not his cosmology constant. As for why people want to prove them wrong well everyone likes finding mistakes...
  6. H

    How far could the new coronavirus spread?

    The coronavirus is highly contagious and can spread through the air and through direct contact. As for how far it will spread it depends on many factors and is hard to predict.