Recent content by groove50

  1. groove50

    Question How Prepared For A Coronavirus Quarantine Are You?

    So under-prepared it's not even funny.:(Need to get on it like yesterday.
  2. groove50

    Giveaway *Winner Announced!* Win The Ultimate Discovery Bundle!

    My favorite has to be the feathered Dino's. LOL. I can picture these prehistoric birds dropping a huge dinosaur poop on some millennial's Tesla!!! LOL. Best part hopefully sentry mode would be on and it would be caught on video so we could play it over and over and over.....
  3. groove50

    Top-Secret UFO Files Could 'Gravely Damage' US National Security if Released, Navy Says

    From the get go they have been hiding, mis-i forming and whatever else they can think of to keep the truth from us. They always have and they always will. If the government is involved, well let's just say this. Question:-How do you know a teenager is lying? Answer:- Their mouth is moving...
  4. groove50

    Top-Secret UFO Files Could 'Gravely Damage' US National Security if Released, Navy Says

    Not all of us prefer to be sheeple.🙈🙉🙊