Recent content by Dav Lev

  1. D

    Dark Matter

    Im sure that you alreay know that some of the hyperstars didnt eject fom the center of the galaxy, but from the galactic arms. In any cae, would you kindly answer the following: 1. Why in the bulge stars orbit at all directions, while in the spiral arms all billions stars orbit at the galactic...
  2. D

    Dark Matter

    There is no curvature in space. Therefore there is no other Universe, no other space, No Multiverse and no any sort of other space-time layer. We live in a single infinite Universe that its age is also infinite! Our universe has to be simple In order to get our wonderful universe by simple...
  3. D

    Dark Matter

    Let's try to verify the structure of a proton: "The quark structure of the proton. There are two up quarks in it and one down quark. The strong force is mediated by gluons (wavey)." Let's verify what is the meaning of...
  4. D

    Dark Matter

    Yes we know! Proton is the base for regular matter. The structure of a proton is very clear. "A proton is a stable subatomic particle, symbol p,p+, H+, or 1H+ with a positive electric charge of +1e elementary charge. "...
  5. D

    Dark Matter

    Sorry, you miss the key issue. How those stars have got their ultra high momentum/velocity at the first place? Please be aware that those stars were orbiting at the galactic disc around the center at relatively low velocity/momentum (Similar to the Sun orbital velocity/momentum). At some point...
  6. D

    Dark Matter

    Please be aware that the dark matter can't explain (or create) the disc shape of spiral galaxy. However, the module of the density wave theory starts when the disc shape is already there. Therefore, when the starting point of the density wave is not realistic, the outcome of this imagination is...
  7. D

    Dark Matter

    Sorry, there is no need for dark matter and therefore it doesn't exist. It is just pure imagination. Unfortunately, our scientists don't have a basic clue how spiral galaxy really works. They think that each star holds itself to the center of the spiral galaxy. That is totally incorrect. Each...
  8. D

    Dark Matter

    Thanks The density wave can't last for many rotation periods: "Currently, the theoretical situation is such that quite diverse views co-exist and there is no consensus that a single mechanism is responsible for all of...
  9. D

    Dark Matter

    The key point is that there is no need for extra gravity. The mass in the galaxy and the spiral structure of the arms are good enough to hold the sun in the Orion arm. Our scientists don't have a basic clue how the spiral galaxy really works. Let's look at the spiral arms. At the based they are...
  10. D

    Dark Matter

    The dark matter is a direct outcome of misunderstanding. Our scientists can't explain the spiral shape of the galaxy and they can't explain the requested gravity that holds the sun in its orbit. They clearly observe the Bulge, Bar, spiral arms - but they can't explain how it really works. So...
  11. D

    Dark Matter

    Well, our scientists don't know the real size of the space, so how matter could determine the shape of the space? Don't you agree that the first mission is to verify the size of the space? A theory for a compact size universe can't fit into infinite size Universe. With regards to dark matter...