Recent content by dannykun

  1. dannykun

    Hey guys: Stop snuggling with your cats (at least in photos) if you want a

    With all due respect, it seems that this experiment has some confounding issues. First, I don't sere what the point of using only two men was... right away that made me worried whether or not the statistics could be trusted. Second, it just so happens that both of the men have more strongly...
  2. dannykun

    Billionaire Hosts Girlfriend Contest for 'First Woman to the Moon' and (Shocker) People Hate It

    I understand the argument that firsts are special, but I think it's important to bear in mind several caveats here: 1) It's a group of 6-8 people, won't there be any other women? And if not, maybe that's a bigger problem. 2) This 'first' woman to 'go to the moon' isn't actually stepping on...