Do Only the Elderly Die from Coronavirus?

Only the elderly die from Coronavirus/ Covid is a fairly common phrase I hear and I wonder to what extent our current world of live-for-the-moment, big is beautiful etc... plays in the problem.

In theory, the youngsters are right it is the elderly die but it is not age that is the problem.... As we age we are more likely to have underlying health conditions which couple with illness seals our fate.

We are creating young generations of diabetes and underlying health issues whilst accepting and seemingly glorifying the lifestyle that creates the underlying health conditions sooner...

Until people stop associating a problem with health over age, we will probably continue to have problems from here.
I think our DNA probably has much more influence on our health and longevity than we realize. No matter the life style, the body can not keep growing, to keep up with the repairs needed. Our bodies wear out, sometimes the mind wears out. The number of times our bodies can replicate, is limited.

If you survive disease and injury long enough, as your replications slow down, you develop older "chronic" conditions.

All old lifeforms go thru this. Wear and tear. And sour replication.

The old have one advantage. A large immunity library. But one still needs good replication abilities in order to use it, with a new disease. And that is what fails the old.

The young have the fighting ability, but without the library......and the old have the library, without the fighting ability. The old die faster.

The old are first to go with new disease. The young are first to go with an old disease.
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The young have the fighting ability,

However as the point of my post "We are creating young generations of diabetes and underlying health issues whilst accepting and seemingly glorifying the lifestyle that creates the underlying health conditions sooner... ".

Do you agree that obesity impacts people's breathing, that Covid affects breathing greatly and that obesity it is rising in younger generations compared to previous generations whilst it is glorified/ accepted?
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"However as the point of my post "We are creating young generations of diabetes and underlying health issues whilst accepting and seemingly glorifying the lifestyle that creates the underlying health conditions sooner... ".

It would be hard to tell in the popularity of chronic health conditions 70 years ago......and compare with today. What you say is certainly what we appear to see. For today, we test and screen and can see chronic conditions coming. One can not....go back and compare statistics....for the records.......because the reference for the records was different. 70 years would have chronic conditions for years.......and not know it......till it was bad enough to be known. Men kilt over, anywhere, anytime, from heart attacks.

Now for fat people. When I was young....there were very few fat people. The fat people....were well off.....and ate good.....and often. Very few fat kids in school.....and they were teased. And I and my sister were ostracized because we had divorced parents. We were untouchables. Many parents would not let their children associate with divorced children. It was an eye-opener. It was a different world.

But it is not just Americans. We have thousand of migrants, traveling 1000s of miles to illegally enter this country. And many still weigh 300 lbs. And have chubby kids. now missing one meal per month. No joke. I kid you not.

This is asinine for people my age. No science....or common sense. As a matter of science should fast once a month.
"However as the point of my post "We are creating young generations of diabetes and underlying health issues whilst accepting and seemingly glorifying the lifestyle that creates the underlying health conditions sooner... ".

It would be hard to tell in the popularity of chronic health conditions 70 years ago......and compare with today.

Are you suggesting that we should continue to allow young generations continue their lifestyle of fast foods and little exercise on the basis we can;t compare to how it was 70 years ago? This is almost like the argument over Climate change whereby we should not doing anything now because it may have been worse in the past.

I have this link from America-

"Diabetes rates are rising in young people. "

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